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Something to Ponder:

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It's been said that the line between childhood and adulthood is crossed when we move from saying "It got lost" to "I lost it." Indeed, being accountable - and understanding and accepting the role our choices play in the things that happen - are crucial signs of emotional and moral maturity. That's why responsibility is one of the main pillars of good character.

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If the only line between a child and an adult is the ability to take responsibility, then I fear the line is too thin. Many adults still do not admit to their faults and change. Although the saying is true in some sense, I think there is more to it than just responsibility. Unless you define responsibility broadly.


It's been said that the line between childhood and adulthood is crossed when we move from saying "It got lost" to "I lost it." Indeed, being accountable - and understanding and accepting the role our choices play in the things that happen - are crucial signs of emotional and moral maturity. That's why responsibility is one of the main pillars of good character.
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it might be fair to say that some "adults" still do not take responsibility for their actions or things that result from their actions, i have to disagree with you firstlook. this fact doesn't invalidate what shadow says...


she does make the bold statement that if these so called "adults" cannot take that responsibility then they aren't truly adults in an emotional/socially interactive way. and thats more important than what the letter of the law may have to say anyway.

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I agree with disgruntled and to what shadow said.... If I have to interpret it in my way.... "maturity to take responsibilities is one of the main pillar of good character"...


Children say "IT got lost" blaming the thing for what went wrong... Adults say "I lost it" taking the fault...


Well, its a good thought though coz I have been thinking about this in relation to my current problems... My ex told me "I am like this and have been this way since (her being righteous or always thinks she's always right that's why we argue)" and that maybe we aren't ment for each other and that maybe she'll find someday someone who would accept her as she is...


Well, I thought about it... Yes, I believe she is intelligent... but maybe she's just immature for avoiding to take responsibility to change a bit of herself to make our relationship better for us to prepare for the main event.. "marriage".


So, I go on thinking... Yeah... Matured people accepts the fact that the world is not perfect and no one is perfect... Thereby they are open to suggestions and maybe what they think is not always right... If you have thought about it before you took action and something went wrong, then maybe what you thought wasn't good enough..That's it... We'll make it up again next time....And that its ok to take the fault...


Well this is what I think about being "matured"... you take responsibility for your actions... If it goes wrong then its wrong... you can't go crazy and cry thinking "i thought everything I did was right"... coz everybody commits mistakes and nobody is perfect... well that's who my ex is... she wants everything to be perfect for her...Its just hard for her to accept that something isn't right...and that she did somthing wrong..


Or I am just crazy to think she's immature but the fact is she's matured and she just didn't want to work-out our relationship... coz she doesn't want it anymore... [sigh sigh sigh]..

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