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Girlfriends mom is an alcoholic i need help

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My girlfriends mom is an alcoholic and we both cant deal with it anymore i fear she will soon becmoe violent and then in return i will do something bad trying to protect her. I want to get her out of her house but her mom had "trash" on every one... (sister's a crackhead, brothers in and out of jail 24/7, dad owes billions in child support). I feel like shes trapped and i could really use some one that knows or has gone through this... PLEASE!

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her mom refused to pay for her permit to drive so it would be pointless to get a job that she couldnt hold and she cant get out legally there would be no where to go (father in north carolina and sister cant afford it) shes failed one grade so she is currently a sophmore

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i am scared for her safety i have been on the phone with her as her mom goes on a drunken rampage and the line goes dead, now that i have a car i fear that i will try to stop it the only way i know how by forceu believe i could scare her with a gun or something even though its not smart i feel its the only option after her 16 years of going through this

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there's public transportation in NC - yeh? Anything close to home she could get to easily?


The reason I ask and thinks its important is because if she gets a job, she could start earning her own income and would be more easily prepared to get out on her own when she's able to. ALSO, that will keep her out of the house for long periods of time. Between that, going to school and seeing you, she'll rarely be at home with her mother.


I think also, that you should encourage her to stay in school. It can be awful discouraging living in an environment like that and sometimes easier to give up.....tell her to keep pluggin' at the school thing and find a way to earn her own money to start saving for her own place or car or whatever....

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if you are scared for her safety, I would call the police or a social worker, and find out where you stand and what her options are, you dont have to give names, etc. don't be stupid and throw your life away with scaring someoen with a gun, that'snot how you need to solve this

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well she lives in the contry of texas so i dont think there is public transportation out there and how could she get to her job her mom wont take her and i cant ever day 1. the gas 2. i got school and i am busy after with sports to get into college


i try so hard to get her to do her best in school i agree with you there but she just wants to give up and i cant handle to constant pressure put on me to help her pass even when i help her and take her to toutering she still makes around low 70's to low 60's. it seems almost impossible and i see traiting that are in her mother starting to arise in her (starting fights, careless, rebel, etc.) i am a a-b student and sometime i find myself doing her work to make her pass

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