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Does he love me? Pretty damn confused

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I left a message some days ago about a guy I love, who is online. Since then, he left me a message on my phone to say 'I miss you.' He didn't say anything else though. He didn't answer a couple of messages I left for him asking what he's been up to lately (because I haven't seen him online for several days now), and to be honest, a 'hey, how are you? Are you feeling better? How're things at school?' from him, would have been nice. Or am I just being really pathetic in wanting him to ask these things? I just think that if the situation was reversed and I knew that he was feeling ill, unhappy at school etc, that I would have kept bugging him to make sure that he was okay.

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This guy might be avoiding you because he might be attracted to you. He left the message on your phone because he probably read your post and figured it was you. He left the message on your phone because he wants you to call him back. What I would do is call him up and talk to him about how you feel and tell him its okay to approch you. I hope that helps.

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