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HELP (my g/f of 2and a half years just broke up with me the day before vday

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hey ppl sorry i this is going to be really short or if its really long but my g/f(im a lesbian) of 2 and a half years just broke up with me the day before valentines day and i am having a hard time handling it becuase she broke up with me because she wants to be with a guy and it hurts really bad because she is supposedly lesbian to so i dont know what to do anymore i have ended up in the hospital twice so if that means anything to you if you could help me out by giving me some advice on how to kinda get over it it would be greatly appreciated:sad: :splat:

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kdlover, you are doing the right thing by reaching out here, rather than trying to hurt yourself again. i felt that this website has helped me through some difficult times (either by writing my own posts or reading others)


you have to realize that you and your ex-gf are still very young. if she has not quite fully figured out her own sexuality, then you cannot take that personally. people grow and change throughout their lives. that is why many of us do not end up with the first person we ever dated/loved.


i know right now its hard, but you have to realize that there is someone else out there for you. you have many MANY potentially wonderful years ahead of you. this is a breakup and its of course, heartwrenching and difficult. but dont lose hope and dont lose sight of whats important


if you are ever feeling like hurting yourself, please, tell someone, reach out, or take a trip to the emergency room. nobody, NOBODY is worth taking your life over. you are your own #1

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know right now its hard, but you have to realize that there is someone else out there for you. you have many MANY potentially wonderful years ahead of you. this is a breakup and its of course, heartwrenching and difficult. but dont lose hope and dont lose sight of whats important


thanks but one problem we are driftign farther and farther apart and hardly ever talk or when we do its always about who she likes or wat she wants never anything else and it hurts really bad i didnt want to tell her this right to her face because i dont need her to worry about me like that i dont need her to worry about if im cutting or anything right now she has her own stuff to worry about but thanks though and i will reach out here some more because it is seeming to help me alot to with all my problems and your right it it heart wrenching to go through this break up but ohwell ill have to live through it and try to get over it even though its going to be hard

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that's part of life. you can't take blame for everyone that wants to move on from you. it is hard, but it isn't you. some people look for better things all of the time and leave behind the greatest thing that happens to them. some never realize what they've done. if she wants to move on, you need to sever ties with her completely. keeping in contact and asking her about her feelings and why she is doing this isn't going to help you move on. people come and go. you are too young to be getting upset over this. you will find plenty others. keep your head up.



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  • 2 months later...
that's part of life. you can't take blame for everyone that wants to move on from you. it is hard, but it isn't you. some people look for better things all of the time and leave behind the greatest thing that happens to them. some never realize what they've done. if she wants to move on, you need to sever ties with her completely. keeping in contact and asking her about her feelings and why she is doing this isn't going to help you move on. people come and go. you are too young to be getting upset over this. you will find plenty others. keep your head up.


......................................................................................................................................................................................... i really appreciate it and i thought i would sign on and let every one know im ok and still alive but yea i have moved on and now i have a new partner so im alot happier now so yea but i hope everything is good with all of you and hope you all are alot happier in life to

thanks and hope to ttys

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