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The small thing causing huge problems.

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It doesnt matter about the size its how you can use it...No need to be embarrased about it I mean you may like a girl who doesnt like a small penis and thats okay there is another girl out there that really doesnt care for the size just what you can bring with it. So toughen up and gain some self esteem with that issue theres no way to change it, its a part of you for life and if you have the attitude that you dont care then the people around wont care either.

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Ok, let me say first that it's not important how big willy is. Many of the smallest men have been able to make a woman shriek like a banshee, while many of the largest just get on and pump thinking that size is all that matters. Its all in how you approach it.


With that out of the way, have you considered enlargment? Its nothing to be embarressed about, alot of guys do it. Weights and pumps don't work, but traction-based extenders do actually work. They can extend your size about 20 to 30 percent, by using the process of traction. When placed under constant traction, various parts of the body, including the penis, respond by growing extra cells to relive the tension. The result is a longer penis. They can be expensive, but if you get the results you desire, I'd say its worth it.


Many of the pills also work quite well. The work by increasing the stretchyness(real word?) of the vessels that cause the penis to become hard. More stretch, more size. They aren't as expensive as the extenders, but they can work just as well...many are also concocted of all-natural ingredients..a big plus.


Have an honest, frank talk with your doctor and then do what you feel is best for you.

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Are you sure people really look at you differently? If you tell yourself this over and over, than that is what you are going to believe. It sounds like youve already convinced yourself. I don't even look for the "bulge" when at the beach. Im sure there are many others that don't either. Besides, think of the scrutiny women have to go through when at the beach. You lucky your not expected to wear a tight little suit like we are.

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