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Are you a racist?

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I am bi racial and would like to talk to everyone about this situation i'm having.


I am starting to practice self hatred...

Let me explain..

I am so used to people denying the other half of me that it seems like i am beginning to do the same thing. I am beginning to hate being the other race. Not to mention the other race (i chose to leave out) the people in that race sometimes disgust me. I am feeling really confused and bad about this! Please offer your advice and opinions...

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Hey listen, you are who you are, learn to love it, personally i don't care who or what you are, if your nice to me, i'll be nice to you, if you so much as cross me, i'll.....you get the idea, but the point is, from what it sounds, you seem like a sweetheart, you seem honest, and outgoing, not everyone can admit to something like this, the point i'm trying to make is, you are who you are... as a person, meaning personality, not type of person, i.e (race, skin colour, cultural backround) just because some people in your other race are pissing you off, does'nt mean they're all bad. don't let anyone tell you different, friends, family, enemies, aliens, animals..lol..i don't give a sh*t who or what, know that we're all human, we breath the same poluted air, and we bleed the same blood, same people different opinion, you don't seem like a racist, in fact, i highly doubt you are, you may a little confused at the moment but it'll pass, trust me

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Racism is disgusting to me, I really feel strongly that it is wrong.


The way I see it is we dont ask to be here, we dont ask to be gay straight, short tall, black white or mixed, and 4 people 2 discriminate over something we cant help really disgusts me. The person within is more important than anything, size colour age, anything.


I myself dated someone of the opposite race to me for a short time, and we got awful looks, comments, which eventually broke us.


Don't listen to other people, tell yourself your beautiful no matter what, dont let these shallow minded people bring you down, be proud of who you are.



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I too find racism hard to understand but I also appreciate that a lot of people are just plain ignorant and this is very apparent where I live where approximately 97% of people are british-white.


As part of the medical profession you go past ignorance and just see people as what they are either man or woman (great or nerd!!!!) but I also see mixed coloured people who have a lot of problems because they don't quite know where they belong.


I think if this is something that you are beginning to feel you need to look back on events of recent or late in your life and find out why you are feeling this way? Do you not feel part of any culture? I know in the UK there are various groups and organisations that cater specifically to help people of mixed race because they understand the conflicts that can arise.


As I said when I see racism I don't feel hatred for these people just sadness because they are so ignorant.



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I never used too be racest or well I hid it away, I tried too like all races but deep down I carn't, I have a problem with a couple of certain races of which I've had a number of bad experiences with because I'm white, I live in the United Kingdom, in a white area but over the last couple of years I've noticed more and more different races moving into it, Personally I'm scared stiff of even walking past them, but I would still give them a chance to get to know them first before judgeing them if I could. I don't going around acting like i'm a racest, cuz it's something I don't Like, However I thing my country has become over populated with forigners, in certains towns theres more of them than whites.

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Hi there.


I had a malotto (sp) boyfriend once, and he hated the african american side of himself. He even thought that Whitney Huston was ugly!!!!!


You didn't mention what the other side to you is, but instead of ignoring it, why not embrace it. I don't care what it is that you are, every culture has a beautiful side.


If I was going to pick a race that discusts me the most....it would be white. To me we are bland and have no culture or family unity.


Embrace and express the beautiful side of you. Don't be ashamed. Go get involved with the community, help those that can use your strength. If you are native, go be a role model for the native children.


My advise it to go and embrace it, and never be ashamed of who you are. You didn't even mention it here! Scream it from the roof tops!!! Don't hide. You will just be hating yourself.


Just my opinion



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First of all, thank you so much to all of you who were honest enough to respond to this. I know this is a very sensitive subject. I am half black for those of you who wanted to know the other side of me. I am having a problem understanding black people. The women do not except me because I look more caribbean then do I anything else. Black women even the most beautiful, have a problem making me feel welcome. There always being catty and petty. I am beginning to hate being around them. They make me feel so guilty for being attractive. Its not what every one thinks. They sware up and down that I think I'm' so cute, but in actuallity, i am always comparing myself to them. Lets break down somethings that each race has advantages in.....



1. White/ Eyes and Hair

2. Black / voluptuos bodys/lips/

3. Hispanic / hair, bodys, eyes,skin tone

4. Chinese/culture/hair/eyes

5. Indian/ culture/hair/eyes/skin/bodys

I know that this is not the whole race scale but i just wanted to name a few.


I sometimes find myself comparing myself to black women alot...like i'm not part of them. There meaness towards me and there nasty ways of treating me, has almost got me denying one part of myself.


I would like everyone out there to understand what it does to a person who is bi racial when people try to make them choose a side. Its horrible!


And for the record...maybe we could all stop using the word Mallato...to most bi racial people this word is insulting. No offense to anyone but how would you like to be called

1. Honky

2. Monkey

3. Spick

Mallato is the equivalent!!!!!!!!

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I never used too be racest or well I hid it away, I tried too like all races but deep down I carn't, I have a problem with a couple of certain races of which I've had a number of bad experiences with because I'm white, I live in the United Kingdom, in a white area but over the last couple of years I've noticed more and more different races moving into it, Personally I'm scared stiff of even walking past them, but I would still give them a chance to get to know them first before judgeing them if I could. I don't going around acting like i'm a racest, cuz it's something I don't Like, However I thing my country has become over populated with forigners, in certains towns theres more of them than whites.


You know I hear this a lot from people in the UK. I wonder why that is? Are you seeing and increase in crime? Do you think it actually has to do with race? or just circumstances? Just makes me wonder is all..

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I had no idea that that term was insulting. You are the first person to say that. It is the common term. Are you sure this is supposed to be insulting? I have heard the term often......and it wasn't in a racist manner. It is just a term that replaces "half this, and half that"


I think you are wrong on this, but I will make sure to look into it myself, because I would never use a racist term.



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  • 8 months later...

I'm not racist, but then again, most people don't really understand the meaning of what is a racist. A racist isn't just someone who discriminates againist people by their ethnic group, it's anyone who treats other differently by race period. When people (mostly black people) come up and start calling me the N-word, then I know they're being racist by directing that word to me cause I'm black...unless they said that to every person came up to (and I know they don't.)


Racism is how you approach people differently based on race, and nothing else.

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