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who loves who more?

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I am not a lady, but this is what I think it could be:


it could be the insecurity that the other posters listed




He could be feeling that he puts himself more into the relationship than what you have....which would make him feel insecure about the relationship

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interesting facts i learned in one of my courses....


1.) who usually breaks off a romantic relationship, a man or a woman?


answer: a woman


2.) who takes the longest to get over a romantic relationship, a man or a woman?


answer: a man


for some reason we tend to think that guys don't have same indepth feelings that women do. and sometimes when we don't realize that one gender thinks they love more then the other. men love a general picture or idea of a woman, and women tend to love a bunch of the little things that are deeper thought about in a man. i mean there are exceptions to the rule. but it sounds like your man just may not be sure how you rreally feel about him, or just wants you to know how much you mean to him....be flattered, but don't let him tell you that you don't love him enough.

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A lot of truth in that. I've probably been the dumper as much as the dumpee but was the dumpee when I was in the 2 broken relationships that I really valued.


I think the dumpee usually takes longer to get over a relationship and quite often the dumper has already moved on before doing the dumping.


It's also true that if one senses that the other is starting to pull away, clinginess is usually the reaction.

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