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Well, I really like this girl that i've known for about two months. I met her down at the river, I guess her moms boyfriend is my step-moms ex. Anyways, I spoke with her ex-boyfriend last night, there really good friends I guess. And the conversation worked its way towards, "do you think she likes me". Which I asked him. He said that she thinks i'm to old for her, and that her mother doesn't want her dating me. I have no idea when she told him that, or if she even told him that. But I don't think he would just come up with this stuff. I'm 16 and shes 14, we always have a good time together, talking over the phone or hanging out. She says I make her laugh a lot, which I think is good. The thing is, my heart is aching because I was really looking into being more then just friends. If all this is true this is gonna be my like 7th heart ache/break in four years, ahh I don't understand girls...anyways. Does anyone have advice on what I should do or what I should say or even think...?




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I dont think you should trust what her ex says, i wouldn't say it'd be 100% reliable. I think theres one thing for it- Talk to her yourself!!


I think it has to be done- Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Perhaps give it a bit more time, are there any signs she likes you?


Be there 4 her and show her u can be trusted, I dont think the age thing should be an issue, but you'll never know any of this if you don't TALK TO HER!! Whats the worst that can happen?


Good luck in whatever u decide to do.

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Well i'm not any good at picking up signs, or giving them now that I think of it. But we went to the river with our parents and we went off-roading together. I gave her a jet-ski ride and we floated down river talking to each other. Over all, I had fun. I believe she did also. We talk almost every day after school, she will be going to my school in a week or so. We always laugh together. I don't know. But yes as you said, I need to talk to her. I just feel weird now, like shes a different person. I hope this works out to be good, I really like her. Anyways thanks for the advice.



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