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not sure what to do

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you started smoking when you were 12? And you're from michigan? I am too and I know how depressing it can get in the winter time. I can also guarantee that if you quit now (or at least cut back), it will be a million times easier for you than if you try and quit 10 years from now.


Edit: I just realized that didn't come out as nice as I meant to... I mean you no disrespect, just trying to better understand your situation

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Use your will power and throw away all your lighters, ash trays, and cigs.


My Dad went to a hypnotist to quit smoking. It didn't work. So he jsut decided on the way home that he didn't need to have someone else try and help him to quit smoking. It was him who needed to do it. So, he threw his stuff out the window and has been smoke free for over 5 years.


It's all about the will power.

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Is there anyone you can talk to about this? Self-injury is a very bad habit to get into. Are you able to talk to any of your close friends? I remember being 14. I was the same way you are now. I smoked, I cut... I was miserable. Just k now you're not alone. If you need to talk, please feel free to PM me anytime

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if you're willing to talk to a doctor, they could prescribe to you these little things that act as cigarettes. they don't smoke, but when you feel the need for a cigarette, you puff on them and they release nicotine.


Or, you could try the gum? Or the patch?


Do your parents know what's going on?

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you need to take control. it's your life. you're the only one who can truly choose your own outcome. It sounds a lot easier than it is. I know. I was raped too and that caused so much of my depression. There are a lot of people who care about you. Are you suicidal or more along the lines of experimenting with cutting?

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if you're willing to talk to a doctor, they could prescribe to you these little things that act as cigarettes. they don't smoke, but when you feel the need for a cigarette, you puff on them and they release nicotine.


Or, you could try the gum? Or the patch?


Do your parents know what's going on?



Do you realize this girl is 14, no doctor can giver her anything with nicotine in it. Nor can she buy the gum or patch.


Hun, i've been in your shoes once before and I Know it isn't a fun place to be. I never smoked but I did the drugs, self mutilation, hanging out with a bad crowd, ETC. The best advice I can give you is to talk to a counselor at school explain everything to them, get you a new group of friends and get away from the cigaretes adn drugs and self mutilitation now while you're still young and have your whole life ahead of you. Otherwise you will regret the things later on. I have scars on my arms and thighs from self mutilation that I look at today and I still get sick to my stomach thinking about them and wishing I had never done it.


Please, if you ever need to talk PM me on here or if you have yahoo or MSN I will be more than glad to talk to you.

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