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Well today was the big day (broke up after 2.5 years). I had been carrying around this burden throughout the holidays and I really couldn't take it any more. It was very emotional and I've been really messed up all day.


She was hurt but agreed that long-term there would probably be trouble and that we were headed down different paths. If anything this showed me that we truly care about each other.


I wanted to know if it's possible for two people that care for each other can sort of help each other through this process. I don't think either of us believe the situation can be reversed. There is still moving all of my stuff out of the house & dealing with bills, etc.


You can't prepare yourself for how this feels.

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Instead of sharing a common goal, our goals and ideas on how life should be differed dramatically. I could see that in our conversation, and in immediate plans for the future.


It is likely within the year she will be moving to another state for school. It would not be possible for me to follow, nor did I want to. This really made me think about the future. She wants to eventually have kids and a family, this is something I'm not sure is in my cards. I was having trouble fully committing to the relationshiop every day knowing how I felt about the future. She deserves better.


As much as it hurts, and I am hurting...I know (and she knows) it was for the better. I think by her stating 'we are not right' is clearly proof of the validity of my actions.


That had to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

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