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Concerned... Pregnant?


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Ok, to start off, me and my girlfriend have been dating for around 8 months now and have been having sex for the past 6 months. She is on birth control, and has been for the last 3 months but still has a wacky cycle. For the last little bit every once in a while we will do it without a condom, but make sure i put one on before i finish.

She is away with her family for christmas right now, but when i talked to her today she said she was supposed to get her period today, and didn't. And she is a bit worried, but says she doesn't feel any different. Either of us are old enough/have the finances to support a child at the moment.


Should I be worried for her? or is it common to be a couple days late if their cycles aren't totally regulated yet. All i know is she was earlier than her birth controls cycle last month and this month hopefully she's a bit later than normal?


Again, should i be overly worried? Thanks for the advice in advance.

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if its more than a few days late then you should worry, but especially since her cycle isn't totally regular its quite possible that it's just late...... if she hasn't had her period for 10 days from today then get a pregnancy test (it won't be accurate until then)...good luck!

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No, don't stress yourself out.


It is very common to be a day or so late here and there...even if she is worried doesn't mean that you should freak out. It will make you guys feel silly when her period actually does show up.


Also, if she's worried about it, that tends to make it MORE late, at least in my experience anyways. The most stress, the later the period.


Good luck!

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Since you mentioned that she tends to have a wacky cycle still while getting used to the pill, I don't think it's that big an issue just yet.


As others mentioned if she does not get it in a few days then have her take a test.


And remember that the pill does nothing to protect against STI's and it is still possible, although minimally so, (if you take it correctly) to get pregnant while on the pill.


So if you are not ready to be parents- using a condom the whole time every time is important.

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Well, she's supposed to take it every day at the exact same time ALWAYS . . . not just during the time it takes her body used to being on the pill.


I wouldn't worry, as long as she's taking it when she's supposed to.



Yeah, I know she is supposed to always take it, but when she first started taking it, it was hard for her to get into a routine of remembering to take it, so she would miss it a day or two, But just recently she got into the habit of taking it and she never forgets.

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Yeah, I know she is supposed to always take it, but when she first started taking it, it was hard for her to get into a routine of remembering to take it, so she would miss it a day or two, But just recently she got into the habit of taking it and she never forgets.


Well..... if she has forgotten to take it a couple of times and you have had unprotected sex, there is definitely a chance she could be pregnant.


Why not have her take a test to find out?



(and use condoms always in the future to prevent this kind of worry?)

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Yes, But we had not had unprotected sex until this cycle to wait for the birth control to kick in a bit. And this cycle she has not missed a pill at all. So I'm not thinking that is the case. But yes, she is only 2 days late now, and I haven't talked to her about it at all since she has little to no phone service where she is.

For gods sake I'm hoping she is just a bit late


Is it possible to have a change in cycles/hormones from too much going on or too much stress?

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