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What would you do differently???


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I don't think given the chance to go back I would change anything drastically. I had my kids in my twenties and if not for them I think I would not have accomplished so much in my life. In fact, I'd probably be in pretty bad shape. Education would have been on the top of my list, and maybe standing up for myself and demanding more from my relationships. I think where I am now isn't so bad, and everything from my past is what led me to where I am today, so I'll leave well enough alone.

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I keep getting the vibe from myself that it's too late to go back.
I'm 32, never finished high school (GED), with two kids, working part-time, and getting straight A's in college, it's never too late to go back, but it does becomes tougher when you have a family to care for, so I'd go to school first. If your love is to write then maybe look at getting some teaching credentials then write on your free time until you really get moving in that direction. You can never go wrong with any type of education.
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Relationships should not be about compromise, but being there for each other when it counts. In my opinion, the most healthy relationships are where each has their own personal goals that they want to fulfill.


Well said. I highlighted the text bold where I think there should be an emphasis. When it counts on the small and large positive times, AS WELL AS the small and large negative times.

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