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dating other people

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Can someone still be in love with you and be open to dating other people if you're broken up? Is it a bad sign if you're open to dating/hooking up with people and you know the other person still has feelings for you? Does that make your feelings less if you are and you know how they feel? Hopefully that wasn't too confusing.

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If you broke up, you are free to date whomever you wish, and however many you wish. You are single now, don't worry about 'that other person.' Your ex. is free to do as she pleases as well, even if she is still in love with you. You have no moral or physical obligation to him/her or anyone else.


Hope that helps,



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i think you can date other people and still care about your ex. in some cases i think its a coping mechanism...some people go out there and throw themselves into new people to cope with what they're missing. also, i know a lot of people who date others because the one they want doesn't want them.


i think dating someone else can go two ways:

the person can realize what he/she is missing with the ex and want them back OR he/she can realize they made the right decision by breaking up with their ex.

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well obviously you guys broke up for a reason right? To move on and date other people. Most people will always have some feelings for an ex but that shouldn't stop them from moving on with their lives. Sometimes love isn't enough for two people to stay together.


And like the other poster said...you guys are broken up and can date whomever you wish......in love of whatever.

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Can someone still be in love with you and be open to dating other people if you're broken up?


Yes definitely sometimes you have to do it to help you move on. When you get REJECTED because thats what it is, you sometimes need a confidence boost. Now I am not saying sleep with them, but you can date - if you are broken up. It has happened to me.




Is it a bad sign if you're open to dating/hooking up with people and you know the other person still has feelings for you? Does that make your feelings less if you are and you know how they feel? Hopefully that wasn't too confusing.


Yes I think so because it means they are not as "into you" as you are with them. Probably means that soon there is going to be the words "its not you its me"...

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Yeah, it's just confusing. I broke up with him, hurt him, it's been over a year, he hasn't dated anyone. I recently told him how I feel about us still, but now he says he can see himself moving on maybe. He could see us getting back together in the future, but right now he feels like the only reason he hasn't hooked up with someone is because of me. Then he said he feels like it's going in that direction though (of hooking up with girls).


Yet, we talk a couple times a week, and we spent almost everyday that I was in the same city he was for Thanksgiving together. He is also picking me up from the airport in a few days. He has said it's hard because he doesn't see how it could work because it's failed before. I don't know if he is just scared of getting hurt again, or if he really has moved on from being in love with me. We still don't live in the same city and won't for at least 6 months. I just don't know how to read his actions vs his words.

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This is just my opinion but I do believe that he still cares deeply for you. However YOU broke up with him and thereforeeee his self defence mechanism is kicking in.


You may not want to hear this but it probably hurt him a great deal if he hasnt moved on and its been over a year.


He does not EVER want to be in that position again and I cant say I blame him.


thereforeeee you must TRULY decide if thats what you want and you want to be together, if you do you must tell him so he can make that decision.


Dont play with his feelings.


Furthermore if he says no then stay away from him. Let him move on its probably the best present you can give him.

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