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interested in being friends or shy?


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Hey all, my situation is like this. I met a girl in a UNI soccer tournament not too long ago. At first I wasn't really lookin at the tournie as an opportunity to scope out on the ladies or anythin cos I was strictly at the tournie for the soccer and makin friends... HEHE. Anyways, in team discussions and stuff... I'd be crackin jokes or just talkin with some of the other teammates and I'd notice her lookin at me. She also never said anythin directly to me but would smile or laugh when I cracked a joke to ppl around us before I started talkin to her. So, I decided to talk to her 1-on-1 later on during the tournie. Anyways, after the tournie I got her MSN so we'd be able to keep in touch and stuff. Oh yeah, a couple of weeks after the tournie and after talkin once or twice on MSN, she invited me to join her Co-Ed team for next semester. She didn't invite any of the other guys from our previous team though, so I don't know if it means anythin.


Anyways, movin on to the present day. We continue to talk on MSN about once or twice a week till this day. There are some highlights about our chat sessions I'd like to mention to you folks. During our 1st chat she compliment my sense of humour right of the bat, which she also did at the end of the tournie when we started talkin... but I get this from nearly everyone I meet for the 1st time. Also, last week we had a long chat on MSN, where I had suspected that she was might be studyin in front of the COM while also chattin to me at the same time. She didn't seem to want to end the conversation so after bout 2 hrs or so, I decided to end the conversation cos I had a hunch she was probably preoccupied with something else, which she only mentioned at the end of the chat that she was studyin while also talkin to me at the sametime. Our chats flow really well cos we joke a lot and talk bout everythin under the sun, with both sides of the party asking questions and stuff. However, I've realized that I have to initiate the conversation with her all the time. She's never the one who starts the conversation but if we do end of up talkin, the conversation does go on reasonably long (20-30mins minimum if she's busy).


Sorry for the length of my post, but what do you guys make of it? Do you guys think she just sees me as a buddy of hers and that she's just a polite/nice person who doesn't blow off people she talks to or do you guys thinks there is interest there but that she's just shy? I know she's 100% single btw... HEHE. So any input would greatly be appreciated. Thanks folks...

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Hey Cid, no I haven't chilled with her since the tournie. We've talked on MSN and message each other on Facebook once in awhile, but that's pretty much it. It's been the exam period the last couple of weeks here and I didn't wanna distract her from her studies (her last exam is next Friday). She's also goin back home for Christmas the same day as her last exam so I doubt I'll be seeing her anytime soon. I was however planning on mentioning the idea of us hanging out, for whenever she comes back from the holidays, next time we had a chat on MSN though...

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