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Ex admitted that he's still in love

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When I was 19 I fell in love with this guy "Dan". I was young & thought I was alot more grown up than I really was. I ended up moving in with him after a month or 2. Ends up he was a heroin addict & a cheater. I broke up with him 3 times. The first time he went to rehab & I took him back. The second time he was throwing parties when I was trying to sleep (I worked nights) & woulnt stop so I left him again. I ended up missing him & went back. The third time I found out he was using heroin again so I knew I had to get away & stay away. He ended up going to prison for 6 years.


8 years after we broke up, I finally started talking to him again. Just emails and a few phone calls. A few days ago I was talking to him online & he asked if I would see him if he came up for the holidays. I told him probaly not. It took me 8 years to even speak to him again & I'm not sure if I'm ready to see him face to face. Then he told me that he still loves me. I'm almost 28 years old now & I can;t help but be confused. Am I being stupid for not wanting to see him? Not only did he do heroin behind my back, but he cheated on me alot & he got Hepatitis C & didn't want to tell me. (I've been checked & I;m clean). Any ideas on if seeing him would give me closure or make it worse for me? & when he told me he loved me, I told him he has no idea who I even am anymore because I'm not the same insecure little girl I used to be

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I think you know the answer to your own question, don't you.


This selfish guy is a heroin addict, a cheater. How much closure do you need?!!!


He only loves himself and has treated you deplorably in the past and will do so again.


You cannot fix him!


It's been 8 years and in that time he may have picked up other infections and I am sure he would have no remorse if he passed anything on to you as he had none in the past.


Please stay away from him.


I wouldn't even answer his calls or his emails!


Change your number and block his emails today!

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well from the few conversations we've had, he has cleaned up his act & doesn't do heroin anymore. he's definitely not an angel but he's admitted to enough that I dont think he's lying to me. I have no intentions of getting back together with him, but part of me wouldnt mind being his friend. but with my luck, i'd rememeber the good times....

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It sounds like you had moved on in your life and a lot of time had passed. Why did the two of you start contact again? I don't think it would be good for you to be his friend or involved with him. I don't see what good can come of this. What do you want from him? What would be the point in trying to be friends? He risked your health and was not considerate to you in a relationship. Move on!

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You could never know from just a few conversations if he had cleaned up his act, could you?


I am sure there were some good times and I am sure he told you what you wanted to hear at times and that made you feel good but h aving parties whilst you were sleeping and putting you at risk of catching Hep C is a complete NO NO!


For me, just the risks alone would make me run 10 thousand miles and you should too!

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