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Need help with relationship.

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Hello. I'm 15 years old and I have never had a girlfried. There is a girl that I like but she has a boyfriend. I have tried asking her out but at the time she had a differend boyfriend and she turned me down. Just a few weeks ago i invited her up to the lake cabin with my family and she came along. likes to go up there with me) At this time she had no boyfriend. I was going to ask her out on the first day but she started saying that when she broke up with her boyfriend that she had no need or want for one. (I don't know if she was tring to get me to ask her out or what.) Then the second day I asked her if she wanted togo for a walk in the woods or go do some target shooting (because she likes to try shooting) and I was going to ask her out then but she had some packing todo. Then I was going to ask her out when we got to town and I was walking her home with her stuff. But my mom gave us a ride.


I wish I knew what todo. I try and make everything perfect. I shower and clean up before I see her. I act really good around her. I hope she doesn't think that I'm ugly, I hope she will realize that I'm a great person though not the best looking.


I also wish I knew a way to figure out if she likes me or not.




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Firstly, i think it's great that you are friends with this girl. Don't discount how important that is to women! we like to be able to talk to guys and have a laugh with them and not just feel like they're trying to get down our pants (even if they are!)

Maybe she is hinting that she wants you to ask her out or maybe she really is just sick of guys at the moment and just wants a break.

I say- keep doing what you're doing, try telling her in little ways that you like her, but don't push the issue. More likely than not, she will come to the conclusion herself that she's fancied you all along!

good luck, hope this helps some....

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