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i dont know, having issues again!

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Lately Ive noticed Im having difficulty starting a conversation, especailly with people older than me. For example, at family gatherings, everyone has something good to say apart from me, I feel really dumb. I rather be in my room than sit with guests. What should I do? How do I overcome this?


I feel like Im going to say something really pathetic.

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I assume this issue is related to the increased social activities around the holidays, so I'll give my advice under that assumption...


Anyway, this sounds really trite, but I've heard that even the most banal comment about the party food will spark a conversation with someone. For example, "Isn't this dip delicious?" Or, you could open with, "So are your kids getting excited about Christmas?" (or whatever holiday you're celebrating).


People want to talk and converse, and very often all you have to do is throw out an opening question and they'll take the ball and run with it.

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