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Just good enough-rebound


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I was on the rebound ,dated this guy for about a month before we had "the talk" At the time things where good,It wasn't serious we spent time together and for a moment I was smitten with him.


The day we had "the talk" I wasn't in the best of minds,I asked him out first but he said he wasn't sure because I had mentioned,I was afaid to recommit after ending it with my ex of 3years and I still wasn't sure If I was ready. so he said he needed more time to think.I ended up walking away from him later on that day,when he found me he said he was ready now and not having me near showed him that.


So anyways we where a couple for a month,and it all went to hell,one night whatever fantasy image I had seen him in died.I broke up with him and were still friends,we talk on the phone every other night,I told him all I could be to him is physical,nothing more,I asked him if he'd be fine with that and he was,but he constantly says he's here for the long haul and still cares about me and wants me back but isn't gonna push me.


In reality I just want the awesome sex,and I CARE for him soley as a friend,i'd do anything to help him, but boyfriend wise we don't mix too well, and I don't want to confuse him.I don't know what to do I'm constantly telling him I dont want to hurt him,one moment he's all I can think about next moment I'm thinking about someone new.I don't want to lose him as a friend even if it means not having sex,I just don't know what to say that can explain that I don't see us having a romantic future ahead of us.


I hope I'm not coming off as a heartless women,I've never done this before.

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Medusa, stop sleeping with people just for sex, and then maybe you won't have to worry about wanting someone new.


(its what you want to do of course, but I don't see how that works.)


If you both want it then fine but I have problems fitting that dynamic into my advice.

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Thank you Budman,


But for the record,I'm not sleeping with people for sex,I was in a commited 3years relationship,I'm only slept with ONE person (my rebound)not 3 or 4.I'm sorry if I didn't express myself correctly in my topic.When I mentioned sex it was soley towards my rebound not so and so.

I don't use people for sex,I'm asking for advice on if I'm taking the right approach at this whole thing of being confused and on the rebound.Hence why I said I've never done this before.


Thanks again.

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