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Another guy, but one remains...

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Hey everyone


Some of you know my situation with one particular guy...one who I wasn't sure if he liked me but I liked him. Well I decided I needed to figure out if I really wanted a relationship with him so I took some time to myself...I cut off talking to him for a few days...And now I feel more confident than ever that I only want to be friends with him. Not becasue of the way he acts, or my doubts (which I did have), it was more or less a decision that I wasn't actually ready to have anything more than friendship with him...and I was mistaking having feelings of becoming good friends with just having feelings for him.


Anyways so that's passed on now, I know it was quick but hey whoo hoo. So now I have a bit of a problem...one of my guy friends and I are having a movie night together...but alone instead of with a group. I think he may like me and I just might have a tincy bit of a flutter about him...but I'm not sure if it's too rushed or something...and also now that I don't want to be more than friends with guy #1, how do I act around him? Is it okay to talk about these feelings for guy #2 to him? Becasue we are close...but I've never talked about who I like to him...Any advice would be appreciated . Thanks.



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That was a quick turn-around from what you describe. "Too rushed" sounds a little understated here. It appears within a matter of a few days you have TOTALLY ceased feeling a certain way about a person and now are debating whether or not to follow up with another person.

It's tough for me to think that this turn-around is in fact what it is. Time for yourself would be more like a few months instead of a few days.

Relationships usually don't happen (I said usually) that quickly and the on/off switch usually doesn't work that way.

Take some true time for yourself and it will come without you trying to figure out if it's real or not.

From this outsiders point of view I would say that it appears that you might just be entertaining the thought of using #2 to see if you can get #1 all worked up and jealous. That is not fair for #2 and if you cannot place value on him then you will quickly learn that you will reap what you sow. Be careful... if no value is placed on #2 then how can you expect value to be placed on you later....?

Good luck.

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