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Does He Still Want To Talk????

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Hey ok so i am online right now talkin to my friends through AIM. So the guy i like...and have liked for close to a yr....was online. I instant messanged him and say hey. He said whats up io said nothin u?. Thank like 10 minutes goes by and he doesnt answer me so i was like - ur talkative, he said i kno im sry ( like he knew i was sarcastic lol obviously). So i was like no its ok u dont have to talk to me if u dont want to...he said no i do, im just busy right now. So i said ok sry then ...and that was the end of our convo.


So im askin everyone, what is up with this? Does ne one have ne idea what he means? Does he really wanna talk? was he just busy or was that an excuse? tell me the truth. And waht should i say to him next time i talk to him, or should i talk to him again soon? Someone help me out on this. It may seem insignificant to u, but i am in love with him, and its hurtin me now. I dont want to go to sleep without some word from everyone.


Thanks for listnin.


Pz - Colleen

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Wasup Colls !


I'm chatting with one girl over the Yahoo MSN, every day. And many times i writte something and she is not answering for 5 minutes, and then I ask - "R U DER?" ,And she says "yea".


You basically sitting in the AIM to chat, she , in your case he. Are just doing stuff over the internet, and by the way sitting in the AIM. I hate when they do it. You wanna chat. CHAT. You dont , so dont sit in the AIM.


He is probably busy.....If I wont want to talk with someone , I just turn of the messanger or say "I need to go , bye". So.....


Next time, wait till he will send you a message first , then you will know for sure if he want to talk with you. And tell him "Last night , you were busy. I hope to talk with you today , I really like to chat with you , you are nice...bla bla bla.


Trust me If he will not want to talk to you. YOU will notice. ! No answers for months from him over the messanger......You get the point....


See ya !

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A realist would say two things: Nobody gets online and goes to AIM just to sit there and read what people are talking about and nobody would really believe that he's busy doing work on the computer and just is logged in to chat for nothing... I hate to tell (because I'm afraid it might upset you) that he is probably chatting with someone else and doesn't want to make time to chat with you. This is nothing you can control. Evidentally, that someone else is more interesting to him for some reason. You cannot control him or who he talks to and I don't think it's such a good idea to dwell on it and confront him about it. Just be cool, be yourself, and continue being the person that people know you as and you won't have to work that hard to get someone to talk to you that can appreciate you for what you are worth. Everyone has something to give in this life and obviously he hasn't figured that out yet.

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No see the thing is, the only time the 2 of us are online at teh same time is near midnight. He rarely IM's me adn i rarely IM him. So from what he said tonite, adn maybe sensing i was a little mad or somethin, do u think he will talk to me more? I mean wen we do talk he tells me persoanl things and we have a nice convo, but i just over worry myself too much.


Ne more opinions would be great, thanks tho.



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hey girl, you're worrying too much, some people aren't so serious about aim as others - its not usually anything personal. dont force him to talk to you, if he seems busy, he might just be busy! he's talked to you before and had nice conversations about personal things. if he knows something is up and is trying to avoid you, you know... it is a possibility, but is he really worth your time then? just play it cool and if hes free i'm sure he'll have no problem talking to you, just realize that he might really be preoccupied with something or even somebody else.

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