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What's HOT and what's NOT....

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Now to me its not really the looks that attract me, well let me say yes i do love the looks cause im not going to be a freakin weirdo and go out with someone over weight and pretty ugly lookin (no offence if you are like that)


but to me the girl has to have an extreamly great personality, she has to love to talk i could listen to a girl talk for hours. and they need to have a sense of humor cause I love to make a whole bunch of jokes.


Now what i dont like is really easy to understand. I hate and i ussually dont use that word but i HATE girls that think there all poular and they can be snobs to freshmen and people younger then them id you need to know more just ask

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i know exactly what you mean Nobody Special...my boyfriend isn't the greatest looking man alive but he is deffinetely adorable in his own way. he makes me feel special everyday, he makes me happy... i remember the days i had the stomach flue, he came over to my house and made me soup, helped my sister with her homework (she's only 10), washed the dishes for me, mind you i was sitting on the couch cuz i couldn't move otherwise i would fall to the ground..it was so sweet...i will always remember those three days...what a sweet heart

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Now this is to nobody againm and i think you are right they should change for them selves but if you like him enough you should do what it takes to get him to stop smoking, but that football part that will be pretty har cause nobody will get me away from that tv when my teams on....FALCONS haha sorry got a bit hyped


but back to rose i think the same as your friend even though ive known you for only about ten minutes casue you and him are probobly getting married

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well let me ask you this would you rather him gain around 10-25 more pounds and him live longer with more time for you to spend with him


or do you want him to keep pleasuring himself and die in his 40s (i dont really like talkin about this but my dad just had a heart attack and he is only 41 and he almsot died cause half of his heart didnt work now to me i would rather my dad be hundreds of punds bigger than seeing him fall to the ground for the last time) so i think you should get him to stop

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i used to always think id always fall for the spikey haired, tall, thin, filipino/asian guys...but a guy im currently crushing on his pretty typical looking. he has a baby face, and he is pretty slim, but he's not tall, and his hair isnt spiked either. he even has braces! i dont really mind actually. his looks attracks me, and im just seing what his personality is right now.


what's hot? what's hot in a guys personality is a guy that can keep up a conversation. a guy who can be open to a girl. a guy that doesnt feel all tied down when talking to a new girl they havent met before. a guy that's down to earth, and pretty easy to understand. also, a guy that's has a good sense of humor. making a girl laugh is one of many ways to get to a girls heart. i mean, of course a girl would want to go out with a guy that can keep her entertained for hours, on end! what's hot is someone you can hang with forever, and feel so comfortable with. a guy that's has respect for his woman, and would care for her no matter what her decisions in life may be.


what's not hot is a guy that's too over-protective. a guy that HAS to always know where his woman is, who she's with, what's she's doing, and the list goes on! that's just not cool dude. what's not hot is a guy that treats his lady as if she'll always be there for him, and takes advantage of that. no, they wont always be there for you, so treasure the time she would use up for you now before she realizes she can get a better man to treat her in a better way.

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What do I look 4 in a man?? Hmmmm.... honesty, trusting, good at communication, outgoing but also laidback, confidence, a good outlook on life, caring, kind, trustworthy, open, originality, spontanaeity, someone that can amaze me and love me and cherish me and shower me with love, someone that looks after themselves, someone with a bigger build, just coz I prefer that, someone that'll be there when times get rough, someone with a shoulder 2 cry on. But, I love a man that smells beautiful!


Hmm, I don't know if this man exists, Im still waiting....

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