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Age-gap flirting?

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I am 20 years old and am interested in someone about 11 or 12 years older than me. I have always been more comfortable around older people and very mature for my age. Basically, because I have only been alive for 20 years I have limited life experience, obviously, but other than that I feel like I am quite a bit older (and my friends and family would agree). Anyway, I don't see this guy very often and I have a hard time reading what is happening between us. If we were the same age, I feel I would interpret some of how he has been acting as flirting, and I would feel more confident myself. For example, sometimes I'll look up and he is looking at me and looks away, or while someone else is talking to the group we might look at each other and smile like we both know something they don't. But my question is, is it the same given the age difference? For instance, how can I tell if he is flirting with me and not just being nice because he sees me as young and on a different level? If i flirt, how can I know I will be taken more seriously than a silly little girl with a crush? I am afraid of being seen that way, I suppose. While I don't necessarily feel I would be embarrassed by a guy i was interested in not being interested in me, I feel that in this situation I WOULD be embarrassed if it turns out he never even thought of me that way because I am younger. Are there any signs I might pay attention to?


Sorry for the lenghth of this post and if it might be confusing... and thanks!

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if your young and beautiful im sure hes interested, with all the signs you have been getting it seems to be that he is. I have dated guy alot older than me and its weird because when to know them u stop thinking about age and see the person from the inside who they really are. you will see that they react the same way as you do now to signs of flirting.


I hope i made sense...

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I see your dilemma, but when it comes down to it you're most likely to end up making the first move in this scenario - a lot of guys in the 30-40 bracket are back-offish about making the first move on somebody your age, because if we read the signs incorrectly we get labelled as pervs I am 38 myself, work in a bar/resraurant, 90% of the females i work with, and we have a lot of staff, are in the 18-24 bracket, and practically all of them flirt with the lads, myself included. While this is fun, i love flirting, it would be disastrous to incorrectly read this as anything more, a lot worse for a guy 15-20 years older than for a guy the same age - what i'm trying to get at is that us older guys have a tendency to hang back, because the fallout if you're wrong is potentially disastrous. From what you've described about your situation, i'd say the guy is interested, but just don't be surprised if you end up having to bring it up first - once this is established, he will probably be happy to take more of the lead if thats what you want.

Good luck, hope this helps

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