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ok so i have this friend who is a girl and she has a bf and i am pretty sure i really like her. i believe she is straight but i am not sure, she says she is though. i have a gf and i have been with her for 4 months and i still love her but i always seem to fall for my friend. so my question is what do i do and how do you know if you just have friendly feelings for someone or more than friend feelings for someone. i like always want to be with her i would do almost anything for her and i think of her in sexual ways so what do you think?

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I have the same problem...people keep telling me that if I think of her in a sexual way I think of her more than a friend, but I'm still not sure. I think it's hard to come accross friends like that...I know for me it is...so when one comes along you get very strong feelings for them. Maybe she is into you though...becuase I've always told ppl I'm straight but if my friend said that she liked me more than a friend it would be amazing! Sometimes I can't help but wonder if she is thinking the same thing.

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