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How do I show my interest to a girl I like?

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Ok so there is this really beautiful girl, both inside and out, that I really really like. We met this past thursday at school and hung out twice that day for a few hours total. We are both in college by the way.


We met because she kept smiling at me for almost month and I felt more and more attracted to her everytime I saw her so I had to do something! When we met last week thursday, I felt something special inside! We were so comfortable with each other while we were talking. I never felt so comfortable before with a girl I like.


anyways, I have some issues, probably with myself. I only see this girl on tuesdays and thursdays for brief moments. She has a busy schedule and lives 45 min away. We were gonna meet today, but she has been busy, and I felt really bummed, but I must be patient!


Now we are going to hang out thursday for a little bit and I want to know how I can show my real interest in her? Is it ok for me to ask her about me and tell her how I feel about her or is it too soon? I'm feeling this way because I feel like we won't be able to see each other that much every week (at least until she moves down here soon) and I'm afraid of her losing interest in me.


What do you think?

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Honestly, I think you should ask her about you and her, but in a more casual way. Don't seem like you two should be exclusive and start dating. Make it a casual thing but make sure you let her know that you are interested in her and would like to pursue something, but not jump into anything too soon.

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Honestly, I think you should ask her about you and her, but in a more casual way. Don't seem like you two should be exclusive and start dating. Make it a casual thing but make sure you let her know that you are interested in her and would like to pursue something, but not jump into anything too soon.


I'm ok with waiting a bit until we make anything exclusive. I'm just confused with her because I don't know how much we can hang out every week and it bugs me because I'm afraid I won't be able to talk to her much and it might hurt our current friendship.


How do you think I can let her know that I like her a lot? Can I just tell her simply that I like her a lot and would like to get closer to her or get to know her better?

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never tell her how you feel about her. EVER


Just ask her out...


why? I don't want to be worrying about everything if we keep not getting chances to hang out. That's why I want to lay down my interest in her. She's the one who showed interest in me first and I don't think I've had the chance to express my real interest in her yet.

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Um, if I were you I'd do what bhzmafia said . . . dun tell her about your feelings first unless you're absolutely sure that she feels the same way, or else it may seem like you're coming on too strong. You should just start off slow like inviting her to go study with you and tries to get a chance to grab a bite to eat with her afterwards or something.

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Um, if I were you I'd do what bhzmafia said . . . dun tell her about your feelings first unless you're absolutely sure that she feels the same way, or else it may seem like you're coming on too strong. You should just start off slow like inviting her to go study with you and tries to get a chance to grab a bite to eat with her afterwards or something.


well the thing is, she is the one who liked me first! haha She smiled at me like crazy and we finally met last week and it went really well! I'm just afraid because we haven't hung out since last thursday and I'm unsure how many times we'll be able to hang out, so I wanted to find out from her. Would that sound good or am I taking things too far?

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alright well I hung out with her today and although I was happy that she let me chill with her, it didn't turn out that great.


During the time we hung out, she just randomly said she doesn't want a boyfriend right now and I didn't even ask her about that. I did ask her afterwards if she wanted to hang out more often, but she said she can't hang out with me for 2 months. I'm not sure what that means.


so I feel really down right now and am not sure what to think. I just can't believe this. Before we met, she was looking at me a lot and smiling at me a lot. She pretty much singled me out to smile at me among other guys. And when we met last week it was so beautiful, it felt like it was planned and we didn't even know about it. And a week later it just fell apart or it seems like it.


I still want to be her friend though because she seems like a nice a girl. So far I've never met a girl that was so compatible with me, and she's the only one out of all the girls I had liked in the past and figured they weren't as compatible.


what do you guys think?

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First, check this out:


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Secondly, you are being friendzoned. This may or may not be permanent. My advice is to continue the friendship but also explore other options. There will be more than one girl about you feel compatible with, so don't put all your eggs in one basket.


Good luck.

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you keep mentioning that she smiles a lot... sometimes it doesnt mean anything. i've met girls who smile a lot at me and then i realize that they are just being nice or got a bf or something a lot those lines. if you are interested in her, ask her out instead of waiting around... if she really did like you she could be wondeirng what's taking you forever to do so. however it looks like you're on the road to becoming the dreaded 'friend'. but keep this in mind for next time.

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yeah, but what girl would constantly smile at me if she didn't want to attract me? When we meet it was like it was planned, no kidding. I met her at my work on campus and as I was leaving she left my job area at the same time and we met. And we chatted and she suggested if I wanted to hang out. And when we hung out, it was almost miraculous, we were so comfortable with each other, she suggested doing things together in the future, but said she wanted to move first before we hung out...but all of this came crumbling to pieces today, or so I feel.


I still don't understand...


anyways, I'll still be her friend. And as much as I probably don't feel like it, I'm open to meeting other girls. I guess I just have to be careful not to get too attached at the beginning. But it's so hard when you feel like there's a spark already.

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