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i need new friends

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i guess what i really want to do is tell my friend how much he annoys me and how unreliable he is... but can't really do that easily can I? And I'd probably lose a friend. somehow i'm not very good at making or keeping friends. he's the only one i can really rely on to do things with - go out to clubs, bars, parties, etc. things i like to do. but this guy always talks about doing things and then cancels at the last minute, or something comes up. like ive been trying to get him to come with me to this cool oktoberfest thing, but the first time we planned to go i called him that day and he said was 'sick.' then we finally planned to go this weekend and he was late to my house by 30 minutes and the whole time we had no clue where he was, wouldn't answer his phone, nothing. by the time we got to the oktoberfest the line was too long to get in. we were going to go to some other bars but then he ate 2 hot dogs in like 3 minutes because he hadn't eaten all day, and he was naseous and had to go home. we talked about going the next day and he never answered his phone in the afternoon; so much for "yea i'll call u tomorrow afternoon"


tonight he IMs me like 'dude wanna go to (club) this wednesday' and i know chances are he'll say 'dude i have work the next morning' or something... argh.


i need to find some new friends who are cool, and like to do things i like to do.

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tonight he IMs me like 'dude wanna go to (club) this wednesday' and i know chances are he'll say 'dude i have work the next morning' or something... argh.


I know how you feel. My one friend is exactly like that. It doesn't matter how far in advance I could plan something with her. The day of...something will come up and it's like she totally forgot.But I can't really do anything about it. She's got this social anxiety problem and when she's really down she refuses to answer her phone. One of her really close friends told me that she'll just go to her apartment and make her go out. It makes me uncomfortable showing up at people's houses uninvited so I haven't done it.


But. This sounds really lame, but have you tried making friends through online sites? Like myspace...or even any of the dating sites? I know a guy who used link removed when he moved to a new state to meet people to hang out with. Of course he ended up with more female friends, but that isn't really a bad thing. I think Myspace is pretty good too because you can find people you used to be friends with back in the day, so it's not as weird.

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