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are you willing to succeed in your LDR?

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first at all, i have to accept that LDR is very complicated and i cant say if i'll make it or not, but im doing all my best to keep it good.


looking ay many topics here, i think we arent the only ones feeling what we do, or passing throught a big trouble cause of circunstances.


i wanna be hopefull, i know that's what my bf really wants from me. we have to be wise to to find out something will work or not. just think about all that you have gotten since you start a LDR. (not materials of course) but your goals and the way you change for good.


im not mature enough for this, maybe thats true, but i like challenges and this one is the biggest i've got.


dare yourself to make it

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(not materials of course) but your goals and the way you change for good.


Hi Audrey, yes this is a very good point.


LDR is hard but it's like any other relationship whether it's local or not. A goal is a good thing & also is a must. LDR can only last so long before couples start to lose hope. I've been in that situation in the past & I have learned a lot.


But having to said that I'm in the same situation right now but also looking at things differently. She's a person that I truly felt compatible but also won't wait months before meeting. She mentioned "if we met locally, we would've already gone out to a date".


Instead of waiting until Christmas, we decided to meet in between as well. In that sense, the distance is really hard BUT it's something couples can look forward to & keep the relationship strong. And that's where you two will know when you meet few times whether or not it's going to work out Sometimes you have to take the chance but always follow your heart

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Distance shouldn't interfere when you love someone. I've had ups and downs in my LDR, but it's like any other relationship. Today, my friend asked me, "Why the heck are you in an LDR when he's your first boyfriend? You are taking too much of a chance and putting too much stress on yourself." Basically, my friend was saying that I took a drastic step towards my first relationship involving long distance. I responded, "Yes, it does add stress, but I'm also not going to give up on the person I love just because he lives 8-10 hours away. I want to take a chance, instead of quitting and then wondering what if we could of worked it out?" LDR's are hard...sometimes the constant communication on-line gets tiring, but you have to do it. Sometimes I feel so lonely when he's not with me. But, those factors sometimes make people give up on the LDR...If you're strong enough with a lot of hope, you can get through it. I know there is a chance of it not working out [and I constantly think of this], but I also try to look at the present than the future. I'm meeting my boy again during Christmas. I can't wait. I'm counting down the days

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you are very lucky its only around 10 hours away from you. my bf is in holland, and im in peru. he's my first bf too. and till now i dont regret for choosing this kind of relationship.


many people could try to encourage you saying negatives things, that happened to me once in a while. it was my aunt telling me: how come you are so fresh while maybe he could be doing something bad? thats not making you streessed?...


in that moment i breathed deeply and i told her that actually i could think about it, but im not going to make a whole storm in a glass of water. i could get feelings cuase of the distance, but the best thing to do is to keep them out of mind.


same as many people with a LDR, im counting down the days, soon i'll see him and im sure in that moment i'll throw weird feeling away

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I always get negative comments. They drive me bonkers, but I act like I don't care about them. "What if he's cheating on you?" "What if he just wants to sleep with you and then leave you?" "He's only 17 years old. He's immature." "Why don't get you a REAL boyfriend?" Real boyfriend...what the heck? I didn't know he was fake or imaginery. People these days. Sometimes, they should keep their opinion to themselves.

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I always get negative comments. They drive me bonkers,


LOL I laughed because my g/f says the same "BONKERS" all the time! For a moment I looked to the left & made sure you weren't from New Hampshire LOLOL.


I do get negative comments, more of "Why don't you date someone local???" or "There's this girl that I can hook you up with???". I guess I would've been all over it but you just know when you feel it's the right person & don't want to risk anything.


Audrey good luck between you two. You two may be far away but it just shows the level of commitment & love you two have in between! That takes courage. I'm not sure if I can be with someone out of the country. It's hard enough mine's within the same country but hours away

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