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The worst game!


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So I got myself the most amazing boyfriend. I've always had issues with commitment but with him I can. Its only been 3 weeks but I have to admit its one of my longest. Anyways, up until I started going out with my boyfriend, I was sleeping with one of my friends. It had been happening on and off in secret for a good 4 months. There really werent any emotions. We both still hooked up with people and went back to my place at the end of the night. Well, I didnt tell him I was with someone until a few days after. I hadn't seen him and I wasnt about to call him. When I told him he was a bit stunned but that was that. He kept trying to get me to cheat with him but I wouldnt and finally he gave up after seeing me and my boyfriend together. One night I was out with the girl drinking and stuff and we ran into him. I was wasted and started flirting to see if he'd fall for it. I know I'm a b**** but I hoped he'd be hung up on me and what better way to find out? He called me bluff after a little bit and to get me back was all over my friend who strangely enough is one of his many ex-girlfriends from a few years ago. Anyways, they disappeared somewhere. i dont have the heart to ask if they hooked up. I know the answer. My question is, why do I feel so much pain? I started the game and now I cant deal with the consequences. What do I do? Is it fair to my boyfriend that this bothers me? Thanks for responding if you do!

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you really cant help how you feel you can help your actions but not your emotions. Just think about it if your boyfriend was to tell you that the girl he used to mess with messedwith his bestfriend andthat he was really hurt by that, how would you feel? i suggest just letting it be there isnt anythign else to do if you want to keep your man. Just keep your mind on how much you actually like ur boyfriend and how much you liked the other guy. I suggest no more games, it sucks when people play games with you why would u want to do it to somebody else and have it back fire on you like this time!

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Hi Tirnie !


Play the game like you did, and you could get stung like you did !

You know this though.....Anyway..you were never going to take a rejection from him well anyways - especially with another friend. If you guys split up for a valid reason(and it' sounds at this stage like there was something that you could call a relationsip - whether you were fully committed or not) , then i guess you would have more clarity in the situation - but you sort of pulled out of a unofficial arrangement there and are paying the price.


Because there was no official status on your relatinship, it may not have played the significent part in your mind that it was evidently playing in your heart. In sayint that, he sounds like a player - and knew exactly what to do to you - I've been in that game myself once, and it ended really messy and awkward. Either way, be careful, and look after yourself.


As for your boyfriend, you need to forget this if you want to keep him happy. Of course, take any more action with this issue and don't be surprised if you get a negative response from him in some form or other.


Hope this helps some.



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