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well we're both in high school, we met around the beginning of school (late august) and we started talking alot more.. i found that she likes me and me and her have sorta been seen as "unofficially together" i guess because we hug goodbye and stuff. alot of things are going well but shes so shy or blank around me alot, i dont understand it. when we talk on aim shes able to say alot of things she would never say in person. and in person i always feel like im the one doing the most talking, and if i dont ask a question usually she wont bring up any topics to talk about. this is actually probably a stupid question but, how can i get her to talk more?

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Yeah, well you like eachother? i mean, she's clealry shy, but isn't that kind of cute? and yeah, on aim, if she talks lots, then that shows that she is has opinions and isn't completley muted.. i think some people can be bizzarly shy AND outgoing, including me, it's a strange mix or the two and people either think your snobby and shy (because sometimes shyness gets overlooked to be snobbery) or they think your a loud idiot.

Anyway, yeah, just ask her questions about herself, and her interests, smile and her and make her feel like converstation with you is easy. Sometimes girls find conversation hard with particular people- hey, maybe she likes you so much, she gets lost for words! that's a symtom many girls get, sometimes we just freeze up. So yeah, just make her feel like conversation with you is the easiest thing in the world, and she'll open up more around you - not just online!

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