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good or bad move? at work?


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so i visit a local restaraunt just about every other day for lunch.

quick in and out with some grinders or something. problem is now i go there for more then just grinders. i am finding myself attracted to a woman that works there. im 29 and im guessing she's alittle older then me or right around my age. her "bubbly" prsonality is what really gets me. i find myself driving back to work with a smile when i see her. we have never had more then small talk. time just doesnt allow for it due to my need to get back to work and her actually working. anyway.............i dont see a ring on her finger and i have no idea what her "status" is but i have this burning desire to want to get to know her better.

im new to the "dating scene". how do i go about this? would i be a physco if i simply asked her if she was available? at the same time the place is usually swarming with people so i dont want to make her uncomfortable or make myself look like a goofball. what do i do? we have noticably gotten "friendlier" but that just may be her everyday dealing with customers. maybe im just crazy for being attracted to the woman that collects my money and gives me my grindes. LOL any ideas? what are my options? after being single for to long and not even really being interested in dating. i find myself all giddy like alittle school girl about this woman. what the???!!!!

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