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If, when, and how should I kiss her?

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Ive been out with this girl already a couple of times, and I really like her, and i believe she has interest in me at the same time. I want to kiss her next time at the end of our next date. But I'm not sure if it is appropriate, or if there is a certain way to approach it, or if i should just straight up ask her. this is really perplexing? What do I need to do? All comments are welcome.

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Well, I am a girl and it is really nice when you just kinda lean into it...Don't plan when you are going to do it or anything like that...Find a time when the two of you are hugging and then pull her in close. Wrap you arms around her and lean in for the kiss...If she wants to kiss you too then she will meet you halfway! If she doesn't want to kiss you also you will know it right away!

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try holding her hand, hugging her, giving her pecks on the cheek throughout the date.

that will give her an idea of the ending

when it comes to the momeny, just act as if it was normal, dont make it seem like a big deal happening.

im sure she'd like it if u do it gently


Goodluck! see ya!

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Grab her hand, pull her towards you, Look into her Eyes, Smile..maybe give her a Wink ...From there, get really close to her, Lean in while you Smile. Make sure to Turn your head to one side, the Left side is usually the side the guy turns too..Embrace the bottom potion of her face (chin) with both hands open, and Close your eyes and let the Kiss Connect. Believe me the 2nd or 3rd-20th time it will be cake work, It's Just that FIRST One you get all those butterflies in you' Just Realax you'll do fine my friend


[keep (us) me posted] 8

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