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How often should he call?


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I am talking to a guy I meet about a few months ago. I am not really interested in any thing serious. I do not really like him a lot , but he calls me at the most strange moments.


He will call every other day then he will call like a month later, then back to every other day. I am not interested in him but for future reference , how often do guys call their love interest?


1. Is it every day


2. Every other day


3. Once a week


Let me know thanks!

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I would say it depends on the situation and how much interest the girl was showing in me. I was always told by my parents that if I am really keen on a girl I should never show it (I am still trying to make my mind up about that one). In any case I dont think I would call her everyday, maybe once a week (maybe more) and then if she was just giving me one word answers like: 'yes', 'no' and 'maybe' I would have to assume that I was wasting my time. I definitely wouldnt make an idiot of myself by phoning someone who had little interest in me and didnt want to reciprocate with the conversation. I am not sure of your situation but maybe you need to make it clear that you have no interest in the guy...

Hope this helped

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