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i just dont know...

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Hey. ;D


If you're curious and just wanting to experiment with someone for the time being, you need to make sure that when you find that someone that you want to experiment with, you let them know that's all that you want.


Try not to mislead people, it can end in broken hearts. Those are hard to mend.


But where can you go?


Get online, or check the phonebook for some hang outs in your area, teen ones [ if you are infact a teen], or just keep your eyes open if you don't want to do that.


But my best advice, love, is to check out for hotspots in your area -- teen clubs, clubs, groups.


That's another thing -- find out if there are any clubs for gays and or lesbians in your area as well. That's probably best fround, again, online -- or asking any gay or lesbian friends, family, or online buddies that you might meet.


I hope that helped in the slightest.


xo steff

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I think telling people that you "just want to fool around" is about as effective as locking a child in a room, sitting them in front of a bowl of candy, and telling them its "just for show". Of course they are going to eat it.... its candy!!! You can't absolve yourself of responsibility simply because you said not to eat it... the fact is you put the candy bowl there.


Back to the OP, he's 15, not sure on the legalities of his state so I'll just offer some general advice. Firstly, most people seem to use the internet to meet gay guys when they are curious. Please, please be very careful if you do this! I would recommend (but nobody seems to listen that you hold off till into your late teens, as it gives you some initial lifeskills to deal with the situations that the previous poster was talking about. Love can make sexual encounters mighty difficult to deal with.


"Birds of a feather flock together", the advice to seek out teen clubs and groups is a good one. When you hear someone is "gay" or "bi" go talk to them.

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Does your school have a gay-straight alliance? I know this is a stereotype, but how about a drama club? Perhaps you are in an urban area where there are GLBTQ support groups/clubs for teens to hang out and meet each other in a safe environment?


I have to agree with Icemoto on this one--you are young, and there is too much pressure in society to have sex at an early age. Learn about yourself first, even if the curiosity is really burning you up. Read as much as you can. Learn as much as you can. And if you end up on the internet, be very very careful. There are lots of unscrupulous blokes out there who prey on young, questioning teens such as yourself.


Also, keep this in mind as unsolicited advice from someone who has been through it: it is much better to make love with someone you love than to just have sex with someone for the sake of sex. So if you hold out for the right person, even if its just for experimentation, you will have a much more satisfying encounter.


good luck!

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