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is he just after a bit of fun or is he really interested?


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i mean me n this guy have been mates for quite a while now n always flirt with each other, i mean when we go out we flirt n always end up doing something, but never go 2 far as i fear he may just want to 'use' me. then the day after we r just back 2 normal, we flirt, but the flrting is always physical, always touchy feely. when he see me i try not to show that i like him by ignoring him, sounds stupid, but i dunno lol, then he'll just come up 2 me garb my waist n walk off, i turn to look at him he looks back, winks, smiles n says, hiya, r u alright?


I dunno wot 2 do i really like him, but does he like me or is he just after a bit of fun?


plz help im so confused

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I didnt get it, did u do it or not?

If not, next time he'd want to do it, say no, if he reacts normally, with respect to you, then he really likes u. If he starts like yellig or something like that, then he doesnt care about you, only about sex.

Worked for me

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This guy walks past grabs your wrist winks at you and asks if your OK and you don't know if he's interested? - Are you mad?


I'm a guy so take it from me: HE LIKES YOU! - Not her, Not him, Not me and certainly not my mother. He likes you.


Now quite what his intentions are is difficult to tell seeing as you've not really taken the time to describe the situation in detail and you've also skipped on the spelling which does rather irritate me seeing as your asking for advice and expect the rest of us to understand!


Anyway enough of me grumbling again about spelling and back to business.


This guy obviously likes you and to be honest you don't sound that old so I'm guessing that he's no older than 17 himself. At that age whilst he will be thinking about sex he's not going to be overly confident about it so the chances are he's going to want to get closer to you first before he try's anything. In which case I would say go with the flow - enjoy it.


One word of advice: Don't ignore him too often otherwise he will think your not interested and will give up. You want some advice on how to reel him in? - Be as easy going and firendly as possible to him. Once he's made his move (EG asking you out or even trying to get a kiss) then start to play hard to get. If you show him your interested and not going to scare him off he'll make his move. Once you know he's taken the bait you can then put just a little distance between you both but NOT TOO MUCH!


Too much distance and he'll think your not interested. Too little and you become less of a challenge.


Ok, so lets run through an example. He calls you up asks you out. Great! - Go enjoy, get to know him, get him interested etc. The next time he calls and asks you out, your busy and your really sorry but he's welcome to call back the next day if he'd like - You see where I'm going with this?


He's going to see that your not predictable and this does believe it or not appeal to us men. It's more of a challenge which is usually what most men find fascinating about a woman and fires up the curiosity.

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bzborrow1 thanx for the reply!

do u really think we r waiting 4 each other to ask each other out? thats really interesting 2 know, i know i want him 2 ask me out, but i never thought bout it being the other way round too!


Dark - no we didnt do it, but we did the whole foreplay thing, infront of a full niteclute he was cool with, the nxt day seemed quite embarrassing 4 both of us tho! (probably coz of the fact we were doing stuff in front of our mates too) ah well it was fun at the time.

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Turboz! thank you thank you!


sorry about the spelling! must clarify that he is 22 split up with his girlfriend of 2 years a couple of months ago. i am 19, have had bad experiences in relationships so i stayed clear for a while, and now i dont know what the signals are anymore! stupid huh?

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So he's 22 and grabbing your wrist looking back and saying "Hiya, you alright?" - At 22 He definitely LIKES YOU.


Just follow my previous advice and allow him to make the move by being friendly when you see him. Don't ignore him like human instinct tells us to but smile, wave, say hi etc.


When he feels comfortable that you both get on he's more likely to make his move.

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