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New school.New neighbourhood.New friends?!?

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heyy.. i just moved to this new town which is really different than my old neighbourhood... i lived here thru out my summer but i havent met anyone new since i was always inside and no1 came out... yesterday was my new school registeration day and it was really hard making friends since everyone aldready had friends from holding schools. now on tuesday my school will start and i have a grade 10 course b/c all grade 9 courses were full and im really really nervous of goin 2 a class with all 10th graders.. i dont know anyone and i feel really left out.. i'm brown and people look at me with a weird look.. anyone with any advice plz let me know...


- scared-Student

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I've moved a lot in my 18 years - no just between neighbourhoods or houses, but between cities and states - and making new friends, whilst not easy, isn't particually hard either.


As cliche as it sounds, be yourself - just not a shy version of yourself =P. Strike up conversations, dont be afraid to jump into conversations, try and find the people in the class that might share some interests with you.


Is this your first move to a new school? Don't pay attention to the movies, no one actually picks on the new kid - in fact you might find people reach out to you.


And don't worry about your skin tone, brown is very attractive, and anyone who'd hold it against you is not worth your time.


Good Luck! =)

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Usually there is one person in the class who will make you feel welcome and give you some advice and all. At least there was in my school. Hope this takes some of the fear away. Keep us posted. Oh when I look at a person's darker skin, I'm usually jealous that they have color and I don't. My friend who was adopted from India will always tease me about her natural tan while I have to spend time in the sun to get mine ohhh that girl. lol.

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