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Will he call, do they always call

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It really depends on many different factors. I'm a guy and I'm 25 yrs old. Was your relationship strong? Do you love each other? Are you in love with each other? If he was about to cheat on you, something tells me that he's unsure about your relationship. I think he'll call you eventually though. After a year, you deserve at least a talk from him about the situation. Good Luck

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The problem is he probably doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. He's probably not calling because he's blaming you for something. It's not you, it's just how cheaters think. They try to justify their actions by blaming their mate. I say you cut this jerk and move on.

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Hi sweety pie, I´ve read some of your previous postings and I know you are in a lot of pain and confusion now. You are in that crazy place, where you just obsses about your ex and just keep reruning things in your head over and over.

Though it seems it is umberable without them, sometimes what this state of denial, (because I think it may be what you are going through (check websites about the 5 stages of grief) does is to protect us from the pain we are trying to avoid feeling.

He may call or maybe not. From the sounds of things, though I am not a guru and no one in this forum can tell you what will happen either, Í think it is unlikely he calls.

He might down the line. Or he may not. But I really don´t think that is the most important thing now. I think you are in terrible emotional pain now. You have been rejected, you have been deceived, you are hurt, obsessive, confused and going trhough a hundred different intense and umplesant emotions at once. Your ego has been hurt also by what seems to be him choosing another over you. Though you shouldn´t see it that way. Because in reality his vile action has nothing to do with your self worth.

Maybe this is bad advice what I will give you. But get your self some good an yummy ice cream call one of your best friends to come over and accompany you. Talk about your loss all you need to. And have somebody hold you and make you some warm chicken soup. I wish I was there for you to just hang out in our pjs, eat some Hagen Dazz or Ben&Jerrys ice cream let you cry and when you let out some of your pain make you some chicken soup to make you feel better.

Nothing is going to take this pain away. You must feel your feelings. YOu must talk about it, you must accept he is gone for now. Let him surprise you if he comes back right now, try to be gentle to you and just to stop driving your self nuts about this jerk who hurt you. Get your good friends to come over and be with you.

Best of luck to you and BE STRONG. You have the strength in you!


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