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What Do I say to start off with?


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Ok here is a scenario in which I dont know what to say, Please help anyone and eveyone, Thanks.


Im 16 male from florida ok here we go


There is a cute girl standing with a group of friends of hers (all girls, about 3 of them making 4 including her) at a park where they have movies and restaurants, like a main street type deal. Im with one friend, and I want to ask her out to do something now or whenever. I go to approch her and then WHAT DO I SAY/ START OFF WITH?


Hi Whats your name

would you like to do someting?



(that sounds kinda lame)


Please help


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ok here's a pretty generic but stable way to go about it. Just approach the group, your friends and you...


"hello ladies, i'm ______ and this is my buddy _____. I don't believe I know your names..."


then ask these questions:


1. "how are you ladies tonight/today?"

2. "what are you doing (what brings them to the mall)"


note: if there is a girl you like in the group then you be bold. "do you ladies mind if I borrow your friend for a second?" Then ask some questions...etc...etc


When you ask these 2 generic questions look to gauge interest. Are they smiling, giggling, etc....or are they looking like they're trying to avoid you? If you gauge that they seem interested, or at the very least just cheery ladies, then you could ask if they would wanna go to coffee, sit down and talk, etc....



that's my two cents.



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1. ( introdusing)



-Hello, my name is Mike, whats yours?


-hey, im mike, i was wondering if maybe we can go catch a movie together or something?


- hey, me and my friends were wondering if you guys would like to hang out with us.


2. (after that phase of introdusing)


- Find out what she likes by asking some of her friends and then work of that. Ex: Hey i heard the new arnold swartzenegger movie is coming out soon, would you like to go and see it with me? (if she likes arnold),,,,and theres more to talk about like movies, music,shows,games ect...


- you can compliment on her, if you see like...uuuhh... an animal pin shes wearing (lol i dunno its just an example) then you can say, ooh so you like animals? ...blah blah...blah....



so pretty much just get to know her, dont move so quickly, take it slow and cool. Maybe you'll learn that you two have so much in common, or maybe you found out that you guys are the total oposite.


Good luck

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Thank you for the help. What if it is someone your really good friends with, and you feel more for them, and you told them, and they responded with; I dont want to lose the friendship. What do I do, Im choking myself not to just kiss her......


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hmm.....this is different now, if shes one of your good friends and you want to start dating...


well you cant force anyone to do anything that they arent ready or ant to do. If you wnat to start dating her or kiss her you need to take it slow. When you start dating someone that you are really good friends with , it can ruin your realtionship if it doesnt work out.That happened many time with my friends. And thats good in a way that she said she doesnt want to lose your friendship.that can either mean to her your friendship is very prescious and she doesnt wnat to risk losing it , or that she doesnt wnat to go out so she says that .Just wait till shes ready to go out and take the next level with your friendship,,But maybe she JUST wants to stay friends...Good Luck with your love life

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Lol, I dont really have one.... yet. I cant wait for school to start up, Im not really nervious anymore, Im really good friends with all of the cute girls. I just dont know how to take it to the next level or go about making more than friends

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