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i dont know what to do.

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okay, so this is my first time doing this, so im not really sure how to start this off, but yeah...so, anyways, i have been with my recent boyfriend for four months, almost five. and i like him a lot. and i'm a very insecure person, so everytime i sign on his myspace, i always go to his ex. myspace to look at the pictures, and every time i see her picture, i alwasy end up getting jealous, and i would always get mad at him. and every time i ask him about his ex. he would answer me with an 'i dont know' or 'i forgot' and it gets me really mad, and i dont what to say to him. and like a few mins ago, i was on her myspace, and i was looking at her pictures, and i was thinking that she like kind of pretty, and i started to have these crazyy thoughts about how maybe one day, she would ask him to get back with her, and then he would say yes. and like, i really want to talk to him about this, but i dont really know how to approach him about it. does anyone have any suggesting? it would be nice. =]

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okay first thing, is stop looking at her myspace page. Also it's better if you don't hear about your bf ex's gf. There's no point b/c your living in the present, the relationship is with you and your bf. If he doesn't feel like sharing, dont' force him. He probably just wants to focus on you and the relationship. Leave it be. There's no point of getting jeolous and mad when she's not disturbing you guys etc..if you do continue this way, he'll get pissed off with you.

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I agree with candy, you should stop looking at her myspace. Obsessing over someone that you don't even know and getting mad over it isn't really something i'd advise. lol. I also agree that you should live in the present and forget about the past. What should matter is that you are currently with him, and you're letting your jealousy and frustrations get the better of you and him. By getting mad at him for something he didn't do is a bit meaningless. You only end up damaging the current relationship you hold with him because he might not understand why you are even mad at him to begin with. If you still succumb to your feelings of jealousy about his ex. arises. Perhaps you can talk to him about it and find out why he isn't with her anymore. Maybe this will give you the reassurance you need to overcome this obstacle.

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I did the same thing with my boyfriend, we've been together a little over 11 months, and I got sucked into the livejournal real early in the relationship. It wasn't even current. It was from when they were together. So I saw all the pics of him holding her and kissing her, and it really hurt. I've told him about it and tried asking questions. He also says he doesn't remember. He's forgotten her, but I can't.


The point is, you have to realize at some point that there is a reason he is with you and not with her. Something about you makes you better than her, makes him love you. Please don't get sucked into that. For your own sanity, block the site, block the user name, do something that keeps you from doing it. It will only damage what you have.

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