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he really hurt me and is gone

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Hi there.

My boyfirend and I broke up in March since then we have been on and off again. Last week I found out I was pregnant and tried to call him to tell him, he never returned the calls because he was busy..so he says. I suffered a miscarrige the day after he finally called. I went in at the end of the week for a D and C..he stayed with me for one night. He told me he needed time to think...stupid me believed him..not really I called to leave him a message and there was another girl on the machine saying to him she couldn't wait to see him in the evening and she was looking forward to spending the night with him. I have suspected for a long time that there was someone else in his life but he kept on telling me no..I wanted to believe him even though all the signs were there. He knew that I was an emotional wreck and still left me alone the day after everything.

He has lied to me, manipulated me and taken advantage of my love for him.. I love him more than anything and with the emotions all out of wack I am hurt and angry and still love him...I need to let go but feel I can't. I am hurt by the fact that I had just gone though something and he thought of his own needs before any one elses.

How am I to let go?

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It's times like these I realize that situations that you thought were horrible end up getting worse. I am sorry to hear about your boyfriend, and you have a right to be angry and upset. I know that it will take time to heal from this. Especailly over having a miscarriage. But time is your only cure. Your trust factor will also be at a low, try to still have faith in others Not everyone is like your ex. People out there would've stayed by your side. So keep hope that you will find someone wonderful that will treat you better then your ex ever did. I hope everything works out for you.

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Heartbreak - I really feel for you. You have really been through the wars on this one - and I thought I was in trouble!


It sounds like you know what to do but realise how painful it's going to be. I would implore you to have courage. A broken heart is mended with time and the kindness and consideration of other people. Though it feels like hell, you realise that you have to get out now. It sounds like you have a really special heart so give it to someone who deserves it. You spread your dreams at the feet of this guy and he has trodden all over it, others will tread carefully and one day someone great will enbrace your dreams as his own. It happens.


Be happy.


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