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Signals? or Not?

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ok, well i'm kind of into my best guy friend, and i'm no sure if he is sending me signals or not! We talk all the time on the net and on the phone every now and then! A few things that really had me wondering are -----> It was the night before the 4th of July and he asked me if I wanted to come over to his house and watch the fireworks and chill out and make out, and I thouhgt he was kidding so I just blew it off! So for the next few days he was always asking me if i wanted to come over, and chill out and play some ball. But i always had plans, but we are still tryig to get together to hang out! We've gone to the movies together once, but another one of my guy friends came with us. And when I ask him who he is into he always says no one or some other girl! Can you please tell me if he is sening me signals or just teasing around with me, and what should I do about my feelings toward him??


Please Help!

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Just for background, how old are you?


Anyway, he's probably into you, especially if you're in the teenage age group. Any guy that gives that much attention to a girl at that age must be into her. Besides, guys are always complaining that they end up becoming the friends of the girls they want to date, and then getting stuck in a buddy role. Sounds like you're in to me.

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