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What Goes around.....

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Thats like if one day you beat up a kid on a street..........

No matter what , the next day you will be beat up by his parents.........


I personally believe in it........

Be good to people and they will be good to you.............

ooopsi.......wrong icon............

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In a metaphysical sense, the saying "what goes around comes around" means that karma will prevail in all cases. If one believes in the theory that the universe is more of a thought form rather than tangible objects, then the universe will equal everything out in the end between all souls. Scientists and astronomers have actually made the statement that they believe the universe is more of a thought form. I really don't know what to believe but I always found metaphysics fascinating so I studied it, and still do from time to time. I'm not sure if you know what karma is, but a basic definition is that it is the process of balancing all of our actions from the moment we exist. This is in conjunction with the theory that we never truly die and that we re-incarnate into other beings. For example if you are a person in this life who becomes disabled physically or mentally and you die at a young age, in your next life you might be a very healthy person who lives a long time. It is very detailed and hard to explain, and also can involve other souls if they have met in a previous life and been betrayed, sort of like a "getting you back" sort of thing. The positive thing does not always happen first, or in sequence either. Sorry to get all "weird" on ya, but I'm just trying to help. A lot of people are afraid to learn about it because it is different. In the case of cheating, if you believe in this theory, then he will experience the pain of being cheated on in the future or in a future life, or he may have already experienced this in a past life. Hope this helps some.



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When you cheat on someone you loose their trust.


Not only that but then they also feel as if you took them for granted and they feel betrayed.


Cheating on someone is one of the worst things anyone can do to another in a relatioship.


If you're lucky you may get another chance. Though it may take a while for that trust to be there again you see what I am saying.


You take away something that someone gave you when you cheat.


Hope I helped.

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I am living proof of that.


When I was in the service, during a deployment, I called my house from overseas one evening, only to hear another man answering my home number. When I returned I learned that this was just a "friend" who was there at the time. Eventually, spare keys, finding an odd spoon in our silverware drawer, wine, etc. and finally she confessed she was having an affair.


I blew up initially but realized quickly that it was time to leave the marriage. I filed for divorce and got it.


Second marriage - this time, it's me cheating on her. The circumstances were different this time. Lacking the attention from my wife, I turned and found someone else who talks to me all of the time and our conversations sometimes last hours. We are very close friends. This has been going on for months now, and very soon, I plan on meeting her for the first time. For the record, I AM separated and have been for a few months now.


Guilt? Oh, you better believe it. But I am taking care of my wife financially as she is going through college, and I am taking care of my children and I visit them all of the time. I have simply fallen out of love with my separated spouse, but the guilt still reigns because I was the one who "cheated" (I consider it cheating even if we never had sex).


I came close to my friend and we confide in everything. There's not a moment that I would ever hold anything back from her; she's the same way with me. We have been talking now daily since February.


The guilt is something that I must eventually overcome. Understand my position here and you'll get the picture.

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What usually happens to a person when they cheat on someone?


Two things can happen, either they feel guilty about doing it. Or they justify their actions (avoiding their own guilt) by saying something to the effect of, "it was a sympton of a bad relationship".


What happens to the person who's heart they break?


Anger, resentment, sadness. The person cheated on feels disgusted that someone they thought they knew could screw (both literally and figuratively) them over like this. When guy is cheated on he will usually break up with the girl...or if he gets back together he's only going to use her for sex...ie. not give the heart anymore.

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