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How deal with a little thing that reminds me of rejection?

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Hi, I am trying to bounce back from rejection from a girl, who I really fell in love with.

Since the next day she left, I have tried to forget her. However, a little thing reminds me of her and puts me in a dark, deep pit. Just a little thing distresses and kills me. I mean, I can go to the place where she and I had a good time. Of course, that place lets me feel so down that I would be almost crying. But I can face with it and deal with it. I can also see her pictures.

On the other hand, a little ordinary thing, which I am not aware of an association with her, completely destroys me. For example, when I saw a CD case in my car, which I think she grabbed once, it brought her to me so badly. That day, I could not drive and cried and drunk a lot. Although I do not even remember clearly whether she opened or not that CD case, the memory that she sure touched it flashed me out and crushed me out. The list of such a small thing will go on. I would like to believe that time will heal me but I doubt it because such small things seem to me countless.

I am not sure whether you understand what I am saying. But if anyone has any thought, please drop me a line.


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Well when you see something that she touched brings back a memory of her try something like thinking of something you like to do. Or do something simple like snapping your fingers will kind of distract you from that memory and help you put her out of your mind. It really works most of the time it worked for me so i hope it will work for you.

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Hi, Well I knoiw how you feel. You can read my story if you want at link removed . Well It has been over seven months, alot of tears, and tons of hurt and pain. But I found that the hurt unlike what everyone sayes, DOESNT get better over time. If you sit and mope around like I did for 5 months, you wont get better! Find an excape. Start a sport or excersise! Take your anger and pain and use it for something. I still hurt, and yes I still have my times of crying, but thats life. One day I wont, but until then, live life. Build your life back up to where it was before her, even higher, and then she'll see what shes missing. And if she doesnt, you still have a great life. I would love to chat with you via email or aol, email removed or cheerchiky004


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Just take life easier..........

call her or write her a note...............


*Im trying so hard to find another way...................

Yes, i try , i try , i try to find that way..........

I miss you..........

I kiss you...........

I don't know what to do.......

I need you.......

I love you........

Oh baby that is true......

Im trying so hard to find another way.............


Best luck..............

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