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relationship issues

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i have several issues with my relationship and i dont know where to go with it..


My girlfriend and i have been going out for three weeks now. Everything is fine, but i guess that is the problem


When we met, there was an instant spark, we dated but not for long. By the second date, we had decided that we wanted to be exclusive because things were going so well. We finished each other sentences, had the same thoughts, and we had even been through the same things. We both have 2 yr degrees, have both been married and divorced (due to abusive spouses on both ends) and we are both from the same culture and race. We have ALOT of similarities. I think this is where the problem lies.


Since we are alot alike, we have both gotten really comfortable with each other really quick...recently my girl broke up with me for a day, just because this is her first real relationship after her ex husband and she explained how she was scared about what she was feeling but she decided that this was not the way to go and she wanted to go back out, but we would have to take things slow.


I agreed, but now my guard is up first of all. The other problem is is that she is shy and as such she is not the biggest conversationalist. It takes me a while to get her warmed up but on the phone we talk alot. In person, for some reason, i feel like the conversation dies. On the phone, it's great. For some reason, i get nervous around her still, like i am going to say the wrong thing...I know that she is starting to feel something for me, however, i just keep feeling like there is something missing.


We get along great. She has told me that loves being around me, that i treat her nice and that she is very happy with me. I think it might be the fact that when we are around each other she is shy and doesn't say much, thereforeeee i think that there is nothing there or that she is getting bored. Everytime i meet her, it seems SO formal, maybe i just can't relax, i dont know...but i just feel like something is missing. She told me that she is shy and she doesn't talk alot so it is nothing against me...so the question is what's wrong with me?? Am i doing something wrong? Am i expecting too much out of something that just started? Is there such a thing as two people being TOO comfortable with each other? Why do i feel like something is missing all the time??!! Help!!

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You've only been going out three weeks. I'd give it time. You feel really comfortable already, which is great, but true intimacy takes time and I'm sure when you've been together a bit longer you will not wory so much about her shyness, as she will no doubt come out of her shell.

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