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Sometimes extra oily skin is actually dry skin in disguise. You are probably thinking WHAT??? If you use the wrong products to cleanse with your skin will produce more oil to compensate for the products results.


What types of products do you use on your face? Facial cleanser, makeup, etc. Also do you eat alot of meat and dairy? I know when I did Atkins long long ago my skin seemed to be oilier than usual.

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Yeah. Accutane is supposed to destroy them.


I don't know if I'd want to try that though, because like I mentioned, wouldn't the lack of oil make you wrinkly when you got older?


Accutane is very very risky to use. You must be under a DRs watch with that stuff. You also must take birth control pills and I think sign a contract saying if you were to become pregnant you would abort. Accutane causes SERIOUS birth defects. Plus it can cause liver damage.


Try other avenues before Accutane.

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Accutane is very very risky to use. You must be under a DRs watch with that stuff. You also must take birth control pills and I think sign a contract saying if you were to become pregnant you would abort. Accutane causes SERIOUS birth defects. Plus it can cause liver damage.


Try other avenues before Accutane.


Yeah, I heard about the liver risks.


But, I never heard that you had to take birth control pills to take it? What about men? Do they make them take birth control?

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