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i need advice badly

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well im 13 and there is this friend i have and she is 12 and we have been friends for 7 years since i was like 5 and we go to the same martial arts school and there was this boating event a couple weeks ago and we had been talking and she was running away with my stuff to get me to chase her and stuf and later while our martial arts schools team and all our friends and the adults were over checking the placings for the race we were standing by the water and she put her hand on my cheek looked into my eyes and smiled but then she blushed and turned away and i thought about it the next day and i think she likes me and when my mom asked me what was on my mind she forced it out of me and she told me that if my friend asks me out we can go to the movies or somethin but my father is really strict about this stuff so she said that i can only go if she asks me or if we go with a couple friends or somethin. i havent seen her since because she had to go away for a couple weeks and i only see her at class for an hour in which we train and we have always trained in the same class and always been friends but i dont know how to tell her how i feel i mean i think she has liked me for a while now and i dont know how to tell her or if she will tell everyone i just need advice

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since you have known this girl for a while, i think the best thing to do would just to do little things for her that hint that u really like her and see how she responds. if she responds in a way that makes u absolutely sure she likes you back, then say something to her about it, go out somewhere, etc. have fun!

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She been your friend for a long time, i suggest you tell her some day that you like her, dont make a big fuss about it, just say it casual, you could say, "hey _____ i been wanting to tell you this for awhile, but i kinda like you more than just a friend, know what i mean?" or something to that effect.


good luck

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well i went to class today and before the start of class i just started to practice then, when we were practising forms in the middle of class she started talking to me out of nowhere about how she hated being away from kung fu for two weeks with kindof a (hint,hint) attitude.Anyway we had to get a partner to work self defense and she immediately turns to me and we pair up and shes smiling, then after class she start talking to me about if im coming to class tomorrow and starts a conversation about my sword and where i got it and she always smiles at me and when our teacher had us sitting down at the end of class and was talking to the class she kept on whispering to me and smiling at me (she was whispering jokes) and shes such a nice girl and shes so beautiful and i really think she likes me cause her cheeks got all rosy whenever i looked her in the eyes (were supposed to do that in self defense) so id appreciate input on whether or not you think she likes me as a friend or maybe more.......

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