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Ok, so some friends came over yesterday. We all went to the park to hang out but one of my friends was sick and wanted to say behind so I let him. He's one of my best guy friends, and he's actually my ex boyfriend too (broke up like 3-4 months ago). But we've been becoming SOOOO close as friends, and we can talk about literally everything. We've had a discussion about sex and how far we would've went with each other had we dated longer, and relationship stuff, and none of it was ever awkward. Just funny as hell.


Anyways, I was doing laundry and I swore I put one of my pairs of underwear in my basket. It all had a towel covering it because of people coming in and out of my room. But it wasn't there. I think I just moved it and forgot that I moved it, or I just remembered another time that I put underwear there.


One thing I can't seem to come to accept is.......do you think he took it? He's not creepy at all. He's such a nice guy, and he would never do something like this. Like seriously, he never would. He's not one of those creepy guys who have weird sexual fantasies. In terms of relationships, he's a very romantic guy and believes in that fairytale idea of having the perfect match and living a perfect life. So he's definitely not a weirdo. I mean, I * * * *ing love the guy. I just can't consider this a possibiliy that he may have taken it. I mean....just why???


If you were in this situation, would you think it was him? How would you treat him if it WAS him? Would you let it come between your friendship? But I mean. I have no proof. And I forget where I put things all the time. What would you do? I'm thinking many guys would do this because it arouses them and etc., so I guess it's not even that weird. But with this guy.....he would never do something like this.


He's an amazing guy and I love him so much. What would you guys do in this case? Do you think its common for guys to do this, and should I even worry about it? It's really not a big deal is it?

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I would be more inclined to think you put the undies somewhere else. I've done that before, sworn I left something somewhere and been willing to swear on my mom's name.... come to find out later I'd left it somewhere else.


This guy you say is a good guy and hasn't given any indication that he's the "panty snatchin' type", so I think you're safe.... you'll probably find those runaway undies jammed in a pair of jeans, a pocket, or under your bed... maybe in the dryer...

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Nothing has changed. Our conversations are normal as always. But seriously, he's not the kinda guy to have a panty fetish?


Plus the timing doesn't make sense with what I think anyway. It would have made more sense if I was missing them undies right after we broke up...then it'd seem more sketchy. But the timing is just off. If he wanted to take them...why now? Do you find that less suspicious?


I'm not accusing him. I'm just still slightly confused.


And yeah, should this be a big deal? I mean....what if he DID have a small panty fetish, which I'm 99% sure he doesn't. Maybe just mine? Haha. But he's such an awesome guy though....he respects women so much and whatnot. Should I be finding this a little bit funny or creepy? I mean, he IS one of my best guy friends. And he is by no means is he creepy at all. Maybe this is something I can secretly laugh and joke around about? Haha. And yeah, I guess maybe a little panty fetish isn't a huge deal? He's not pathetic or anything....he has lots of female friends and friends in general....so he's not your stereotypical loner who stays home surfing the net all the time watching porn.


So yeah. Should this be a big deal or just something to laugh about and leave alone?

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I don't think it should be a big deal. You don't even KNOW that he has your panties in the first place. My guess is that they are somewhere else.... and will turn up later, making you feel silly for thinking your friend is a panty-stealing perv.


If he was giving off some other freaky signs and you found out later that he has your panties, than yeah maybe it would be time for a talk with him. BUT... with no proof and no other signs of "pervy weirdness", I don't think you have any concerns.

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What pervy weirdness should I look for?

If they were there you would have probably already noticed.... Off hand comments, creepy staring and jokes, mention of pervy things... a general feeling of being uncomfortable around him...


Personally I really doubt he has your panties. I think your imagination is running a little wild with this one.

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No, I wouldn't. With no proof and no other indications that he is the type to snatch your panties, I would not want to falsely presume something about him and judge him based on that.


I would treat him just as I had before unless things changed and I found out something drastically different.

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The only thing that I can sort of connect is, he talked about how he lost one of his shirts. So a mention of lost clothing. But it's not like it was completely off-hand or whatever. It was a band shirt that he's lost, and he's lost it before....and just his communication style is still the same. So this is probably just a coincidence that he lost a clothing item when I did.


But I could seriously swear I put it in the basket that very morning. Where else could it be......and I really really don't want to assume it's him. He's seriously not a type to snatch panties........he's just not!! Maybe I really did move it but don't remember moving it. It's probably just a coincidence that he was in a my room quite a lot that day.....but he was just sleeping cause he wasn't feeling well. And I definitely can't picture him ransacking my room for....underwear.


So in the end, I really have no proof at all. How would you treat the person if they did have it? I mean....he's such an amazing friend, I love him so much as a friend. Something like this shouldn't come between us should it? But I can see him taking it the wrong way though....it's nothing personal, he takes a lot of things the wrong way.

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