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i left him cuz im scared. he was one of my close friends before we started dating. I was such a player, and i still love playing with guys minds, but he was different, i felt so close to him, and so loved and secure. i communicated with him on a different level than i do with others... but, the things ive been going thru are hard to deal with and i had to leave him because i cant deal with being as scared as i was because i want use to having such a close bond and so much trust and reliance in ANYONE. but now i miss him so much. .i love him so much, HOW DO I GET OVER THAT? hOw DO i Move On? all i do is think about him.. what can i do to move away from it all??? i dont want to think about him , it makes me so down .. HELP.

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Getting past him maybe a bit hard for you.


Are you sure thats what you desire to do?


But if you are trying to get over him them you need to have closure. If you already know what killed the relationship. Sit down and write down all the things that caused the relastionship to fail.


Then write down all the negative things that you may have did in the relationship. Now write down his wrong doings. Now write five goals in which you will work on for the next relationship.


Don't view the relationship negatively. Focus on the good things. When he comes accross your mind. Don't fight it! But rather drown it out with thoughts of the good times.


This is will give you a soothing release. Don't call him, talk to him or keep anything that will have a stronger content of memory rather than your own mind.


Find a hobby, friends or family to put your free time into. Start a new workout rountine so that you can better yourself during this period.


The key to this is to stay busy, don't overly have angry or sad thoughts about the past relastionship and be positive.


I'm sure you'll feel better in about a week to a month. But it will take some time and strength on your part.


Either way, I'm sure you will succeed and become at piece once again.

Good luck to you.

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  • 3 years later...

It sounds like you are afraid of getting hurt. Sometimes the people we love the most can hurt us the most. But isnt love worth the risk? How old are you? I know that a lot of girls between the age 16 and 22 get scared of being in a commited serious relationship because they want to experience other things before they get tied down. Girls between that age have so many options available and go through many phases. Just know that all your actions have consequences.


If things are meant to be...then they WILL be.


Remember that the people we love the most can hurt us the most.

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