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I have posted here before for advice, but I am feeling completely burnt out at work and it is affecting me. I am much les happy than I used to be. It is not so much the work, but the people here that are causing me grief.


I secretely feel that if I am laid off, it would feel good. I am almost kind of witing to be fired. Is this wrong? I feel others would disapprove of this thought. Also, would it derail my career completely, or could I recover and find another job.


Is it time to take a little break from my career to recharge? How do you guys think of this?

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Maybe it's time to look for another job in another company? Don't just quit though yet until you can find another source of financial income, because being unemployed is no picnic either!


Or, alternatively, take a vacation! Have you taken one lately? They are important mentally, and help productivity (compared to those whom don't).


And, make sure the rest of your life is balanced. All work and no play is boring, tiring and burns you out. Don't forget to PLAY!

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Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I understand, so I don't intend to quit because I would rather wait to get fired. I would get severence that way.


I am looking for a new position, but it is taking a long time. I have been looking for four months now, and it is difficult. I am still trying though.


I also recently returned from vacation, and that just confirmed how burnt I was because I dreaded coming back and am still feeling the same here at work.


My motivation is noneistent and I am doing the minimal work to "appear" productive.


That is why I was thinking about a break.

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I hated my old job - the work was interesting enough, but the people annoyed the crap out of me, and some of them went so far as to completely ignore everything I said.


I hung onto it until I found a new one in a different place, in the same field. The day I looked my supervisor in the eye and told her to... well... something vulgar... was the best feeling ever =P


That's what I suggest you do, just try and find something else you like in another company, then transfer before quitting/getting fired.


Serves her right for giving me back to back 6A.M shifts... =P

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