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your age gap experience

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Hello everybody!


What are the issues specific to your age gap you had to or still have to deal with? Do you have any children? Is the age gap a big deal in your relationship or it is something you dont even notice anymore?


The reason I am interested in your experience is that right now I am considering enetering a serious relationship with an age gap of 15 years. This man is really great and we have a lot in common, but I am really worried about how this age gap might affect our relationship in the future and what kind of problems it might bring along the way. Right now our age difference does not seem like such a big deal (I'm 25 he is 40) but how about in 30 years when he will be 70 and I 55?


Any opinions are very welcomed!

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Hmm yea i think it's a really big age gap but u kno... like if u's both luv each other really much then screw everything else.. u'll ride the wave thru. U just hav 2 b prepared 4 the fact that he might die sooner than u... and if u're a grieving sorta person it might b a long time and could b unbearable. But think of the bright side.. u'll still hav so much time 2 spend wif him still and when u're in luv.. nothing really matters and sacrifices are 2 b made but at the end of the day, it'll b worth it, coz it'll bring u that much closer 2 him.


Happy Heb

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We need a little more info on this b4 a proper reply can be made.

You see, you see him as Marriage material ("30 years from now...."), so here's something to ponder. Does he see you as a long term partner? Has he been married? Does he already have kids? These questions must be addressed so u know where u stand. Let's say he's been married and already has kids. He may not be looking for that type of relationship any longer. For example, he will tell his peers that he's dating a 25 year old and the reaction will not be "so you have a lot in common", more than likly it will be "you sly devil, how'd you score a 25 year old?"


Please fill us in on the pertinent background ifo so we can provide better opinions/advice on the matter

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Happy Hebb and Doorik, thank you for your replays!


Here is some more background: my friend is single and never been married, no kids. He is definitely interested in a long term relationship and is open to having children too. We met online and talked a lot for several months and we will meet in person very soon. Right now our relationship is not very serious - I like to take things slowly and I am not the type of person proclaiming undying love to somebody I met only on the net, but I am definitely starting to have my emotions involved.


Hope this answers your questions Doorik, hope te hear some more from you all!

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Hey confused... the way i figure it, why worry about things? U either do it, find out coz there's just so many possiblities that can occur. But i suppose everyone has different opinions on it so i'll shed some light.


I think maybe u should step back from it a lil, sometimes ppl aren't what they seem 2 b, the thing about meeting ppl over the interenet is that ppl hav the freedom 2 make things up wether they like it or not (i'm not sayin he's not who he appears 2 b, just take in that fact) but for all u kno he could still b the sweetest thing. Don't get ur emotions so involved yet coz u can get hurt i'd say take that step back and then see what happens from there. If u still end up luving each other and ur bond is strong enough, nothing, nothing can stop u from bein happy.


Happy Heb

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