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Now that things got sour

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So--I posted recently about a guy I was seeing having some other girl over; after that happened my friend who leaves with them told me she thought nothing happened and they were just friends; he eventually told me the same. We slept together again. The next day I come over to see my friend and that girl was there again; this time with a bunch of her stuff in his room which I saw cause his door was open: she was staying the weekend.


I don't know what he told her about me but she lied to me in the kitchen when I asked her what she was going to do and said that she was gonna go back home cause she was going to buy curtains with a friend. How is it that she is gonna go home when she clearly brought stuff over to his house to stay the weekend??? Anyways, I felt sick and asked him about it, he said some of the clothes were for my friend; he was avoiding the question basically.


I left without saying anything. And she has stayed there. When I came over the following day she was there still as well. He tried to say hi to me and I said I never wanted to talk to him again. The problem is my friendship with his roommate. He is saying that because I don't want to talk to him anymore that I can't come to the house, but I'm best friends with his roommate so what the heck? I feel bad for my friend cause she is stuck in the middle of it all and now I'm pretty sure he told her she can't invite me.


On top of all that I left a beautiful box for him and it has special sentimental value to me and he said he never got it. But I left it wrapped in paper and tied in colored thread and left on his doorknob. He said to me he hadn't seen it. I don't know whether or not to believe him. Who else could have taken it? It had his name on it!!??

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Hey hun,

If hes seeing some other girl while still talking to

you then this guy is a dirtbag. Drop him like a

very very hot potatoe

As for your bestfriend, aslong as she pays rent she can have the pope

over. Just because you arent giving him your goodies he cant just ban you from visiting her. I guess thats something that needs to be worked out

between the three of you.

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You are not going to like this, but I've recently witnessed something similar, and it's NOT good.


I have two mates called M and E. M has been seeing his girlfriend for 6 months, E has recently been through a major breakup. Last week, in fact over the past month, M has been staying the night at E's, in her bed, touching her inappropriately. In conversation, E tells me she didn't do anything with M.


But wait a minute...she eventually admitted that a) she loves him and b) it WAS inappropriate, and if M knew, his girlfriend would be gutted.


So, something is more than likely happening. Even if not, its not appropriate. Drop the mofo.

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