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Most likely you have heard this before.. or have you?

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It has been a week since I posted my original situation.


Basically, my fiance broke up with me and decided that she needed time to "find herself." During this time I discovered that she has been flirting with online strangers (lying to them about pretty much everything) and using myspace.com as a way to find prospective dates. Everyone that posted told me to stop putting up with it. Thank you for the posts!


I woke up to the advice and told her "we are through." I honestly thought she wouldn't care, but she flipped out. I picked up my son the next day and she said a lot of hurtful things (mainly about how she is going to go get laid etc). I told her mom to make sure she did something fun that night or at least get her aunt to pick her up to go drinking. Apparently she just moped.


She came over Sunday begging for us to be a couple and that she would marry me etc. Monday I contacted her and said I was interested in her offer. She told me that she needed more time to think about things. ](*,) Wednesday rolls around and she says, "I decided that what I did was unfair and that I should give you another chance!" She wants to give ME another chance? This was pretty much the nail in the coffin to me. She decided (from advice from her counselor) that it would be best if we waited until Sunday to start talking. I don't plan on talking to her Sunday or for a long time after, for that matter.


Sunday will be here shortly and then she is going to expect me to start talking to her and let her take me out, whatever that means. I don't want her to take me out and I certainly don't want to go anywhere with her. I don't want any of her gifts, dinners, outings, conversations, whatever. I want to turn my back on this whole crappy relationship and get the heck out of it!


When this whole thing happened I had a really strange dream. In my dream I went through much difficulty and challenge but at the end I found my soulmate. It's difficult to explain but basically I know who she is, just not where to find her. If my soulmate is out there, why bother with a relationship that is so destructive and pointless? It's time for me to continue on my path.


Any advice on not getting back together? She cheated on me twice in the past and it pretty much destroyed my confidence. I let her back in my life because I was so low at the time and she was very pushy. This time I'm sure she will attempt to put my son in the middle of things to make it as hard on me as possible. That's the type of person she is.


This time when the smoke clears I want her to be far behind. She wasn't my soulmate 8 years ago when I met her and she never will be.. I know that now. I want to still spend time and take care of my son but I don't want her in my life anymore than necessary.

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I think you answered your own thoughts in that post Amazing...


Don't bother meeting up with her on Sunday, when you know it's not what you want, plus you will be giving her false hope.


Your ex thought she could get away with hurting you, thinking you'd forgive her and give her another chance. Now that you haven't, it feels like her protective shell that you created, has disappeared around her, and she realises that she is alone and unsupported by you.. if that makes sense..


Best of luck finding The One... she is out there somewhere...

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